Chapter three

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Today is the day we are going on our first interview with Midnight Soul. I already know that they will ask who is single or not but I'm not sure if Im ready to tell them. Well not yet at least.

I just woke up like about 2 minutes ago laying on my back thinking. I felt my curtain open.

"Boo bitch!", Normani shouts as her head pops up from below, frightening me.

"Language!" Ally scolds Normani. I smell pancakes, I guess she's cooking. "No pancakes for you Mani!"

I let out a giggle. Normani gasps. "No please mama not the pancakes. I'm sorry I'll do anything you want. I'll bathe in holy water just for you." She pleaded while heading straight to Ally.

I got off my bunk and head straight to the bathroom to do my morning routine. When I was done, I got dressed and went to the kitchen. When I got there, I see all the girls on their phone waiting for Ally and her assistant Normani to be done cooking the pancakes. I look around the room to look for my baby.

"Where's y/n." I questioned them. They just ignored me and stared at their phones. What the fuck you all watching? Porn?

I heard Ally's voice saying," Maybe she's sleeping, check her bunk."

I went up to Ally and hug her from behind. " This is why you're my favorite Ally." I say and peck her cheek. "Thanks." I added before heading to the bunks.

Left side, second column, bottom row is where y/n's bunk is. Across from her is Emily and on the top of Emily is Emma.

I walk to y/n's bunk and when I opened her curtain my face was quickly hit with hot air. I look at her and see that she is shaking while her eyes seemed seemed watery and that she has been crying for a long time. I was worried and terrified because never have she done this before. I shook her and she couldn't seem to wake up. I shook her more and more and wept for her hoping that she is okay.

I started to panic and quickly I went to the kitchen to tell the girls. When I got there, I couldn't form any words as my eyes were starting to tear up. When Emily looked up from her phone and met my eyes she got up quickly.

"Lauren, what's wrong." Emily whispers while walking up to me and gave me a hug.

When she said that, all the girls looked at my direction and started comforting me. I see that the pancakes are done. "Y/n." I sobbed.

The girls ran straight to y/n's bunk to see what was happening. Emily was still comforting me telling me that everything will be alright.

"Hey it's gonna be okay, whatever it is she'll be fine." Emily rubs my back and I held on her tighter.

When we got there, I saw that y/n began to shake rapidly.

"I'll go call our nurse." Ally took out her phone and called our tour nurse and told her what was going on. "She'll be here in five minutes."

All the girls were tearing up and praying that everything will be alright. I held unto Emily crying my eyes out on her shoulder.

I heard the door open. "Girls please step outside so we can see what is happening." Gabby calmly ordered and they quickly went outside.

I refused to go out because I wanted to be there for my baby and see to if she is okay. I was probably arguing with her for 2 mins but I didn't care. All of a sudden I see Dinah walking to me and she put me on her shoulder. I tried getting off of her grip but that only made her grip tighter.

When we were almost out the door I yelled on the top of my lungs. "Y/n!"

When they closed the door Dinah put me down. I went straight to the door and pound on it. The girls are out side sitting on the bench that was beside the bus. 15 mins later and they still never got out. I sat by the door hugging my knee and balling my eyes out.

I heard footsteps coming my way. It's been a few minutes and I'm still in the same position. I look up to see Ally kneeling down on the same level with me and took me into her arms. Ally got me up and took me where the others are. They were all comforting me while I am in Ally's arms.

One hour later, the doors open and came out our nurse. She went up to us. "She is okay now, she just had a night mare. you may see her." Gabby informed us.

"Thanks Gabby, you're the best." I gave her a hug and she said to us goodbye and she left to her car and drove off.

I rushed into the bus to see y/n dressed in the main room scrolling through her phone. When she saw me, she immediately got up and gave me a heart warming hug. I wrapped my arms around her neck. She then grabbed my cheeks and kissed me with so much passion.

"I thought you left me Lauren, it was just a dream." She said putting our foreheads together while looking at each other.

I had a confused look on my face. "Never in a million years would I leave you." I kissed her forehead.

"How you feeling?" Ally asks when she was the last one to hug her. "Never better Mama." Y/n reply and picked her up and quickly went in circles causing Ally to laugh.

When they were done they sat down, y/n sat on my lap. I put one arm around her back while the other is on her lap playing with her finger. I feel her put an arm around my neck.

We all just had small talk before heading to the kitchen to eat our breakfast. I checked the time and It says 8:14am. Our interview starts at 1:00pm so we have a lot of time to spare.

When I got there , I sat on y/n's lap feeding both of us. We started talking about random things and I kept moving on her lap because Emma was telling a funny story. Suddenly I feel my ass being poked by something hard.

I stood up quickly and look at what was poking me. My eyes widen when I see a tent on y/n's lap. My cheeks turned red and I see her following my gaze. When her eyes landed on her bulge, she tried covering it but too late. Everybody was looking between y/n and I while smirking.

Y/n looked up at me and winked. "Lauren finish what you started." She whispers while everyone's eyes are at the two of us.

My cheeks got red as my period blood, if that is even possible. "I have my period, sorry." I say while looking down playing with my fingers.

I hear a couple of giggles. "Oh." She says a little disappointed. "I'll be right back, don't bother me." She added. She stood up hugged me, grinding her boner on my thighs for a couple seconds and I let out a moan. "Tough shit baby girl." She told me and winked, then headed straight to the bathroom.

When she left everyone was staring at me. "What?" I say and sat down and continue eating.

30 mins later she come out the bathroom. "You okay?" I ask her.

"Yeah, could've been better if you were there though." She shrugs then pecked my lips and joined the others.

"It's 9:47am, what do you guys wanna do?" Camila says while facing everyone.

"Oh I know. How bout we go cruise around this place? California has a lot of things to explore." Emma says and every one agrees with her.

We all stood up and took our phones with us and headed out the bus to walk around California.

"Let's go on an adventure ladies!" Y/n yells making everyone cheer. She goes up by me and tries to talk hold of my have but I reminded her that we are in public, making her frown.

This is gonna be a long day I say to myself.

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