Chapter thirteen

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Right now Tori Kelly is performing her last song, Hollow. I am watching her at the side of where the stage is at.

"I don't want to be the last man standing" Tory's voice filled the room.

"Hey, can I talk to you for a minute." Lauren says. I turn around facing her.

"Yeah, is everything okay?" I ask her when she looked at me with sorrow.

She didn't answer and took my hand, leading us to the dressing room. She got in and closed the door behind me.

She went to sit on the couch as I followed behind her.

"Y/n." She started, taking my hand into hers and laying it on her lap. "For the past two years being able the spend this wonderful experience with you is the best thing that had ever happened in my life." She used her other hand that was not holding mines and caressed my cheek. She then brought me in for a loving kiss on the lips. "Thank you." She says as she looked into my eyes. Her eyes then starts to be filled with tears as mine do the same. I bring my hand up to wipe a tear that fell from her eyes with my thumb.

"I think I know where you are going with this." I say through sobs and wipe my own tears.

"W-we need t-to b-break up." Lauren says. She then breaks down crying. I immediately bring her to a hug as she cries on my shoulder. We lay on the same position as the only thing you can hear is us crying.

The door then suddenly opens revealing Emily. "Hey, we are" She stopped what she was saying when she saw Lauren and I. "We are on in twenty." She finished as she mouthed 'Are you okay?' to me.

I shook my head. "I'll be there in a minute." I told Emily. She got out leaving Lauren and I alone again. I didn't even realize that 50 minutes had passed and now it is our turn to preform.

"Lauren, you will always hold a special place in my heart. You are my first kiss, my first every relationship, my first everything. If breaking up will be the best for us both, then let it be. Just know that I will always love you." I say as I bring her in for the last kiss we will ever share and walked out the room, leaving her alone.

When I made it back stage, all eyes was on me. Guess Emily told them. "Whoa y/n, you look like shit right now." Emma says as she made her way towards me. "Go get your make up fixed." She pushed me to our make up artist as she didn't waste a second to spare since we are on in five.

"Never thought I would ever see you cry." Linda, my make up artist, says as she did the finishing touches on my make up. I am not those type of people who wears their emotion on their skin. The only people that ever saw me at my worst was the girls of Fifth Harmony, my band mates, and my mother. "What happened?"

"Shit happened." I replied. Lauren then comes back from where the dressing room is looking beautiful as always even though she had cried.

Now all eyes are on her then to me. Lauren turns her head to my direction and we made eyes contact. She gave me a sly smile as I did the same. "One more minute Midnight Souls!" Our manager Auzie yells.

I go get my guitar from its case and start warming it up making sure it is tuned. Emma goes to get her drum stick which was by my case near the couch.

"Thank you everybody!" The Vamps yelled as they made there way out the stage.

We walked into the stage as the crowd was cheering. "Midnight Souls!"

We went to our places which I was in the front between the two with my guitar and a mic with a stand. Emily is at my right with her piano also with a mic and stand. Emma is at my left sitting down on a chair I front of her drums with a mic and stand.

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