Chapter fifteen

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I woke up from something vibrating on the bunk above. Lauren are you finally using the vibrator that my mom got you for your birthday. Don't ask why my mom gave her one. I put on a shirt, since I only sleep with my sports bra and boxers on, and got out my bunk climbing into Lauren's. Her bunk was empty. I laid down and took her phone from under her pillow. I know this is invading her privacy but me being curious, I want to know everything.

Dirty Daniel✊🏼👅💦: Good morning baby girl. Last night was fun banging that tight pussy of yours. Can't wait to do it again.

What the fuck happened last night. Da fuck, did she have sex last night. No wonder why she wasn't here when we came back from dinner. Also who is Daniel? Is he that guy from Waffle house. Why would she fuck that small dick of his. Why should I care anyways, Lauren and I are no longer together.

"What are you doing in my bunk with my phone?" Lauren says with her arms crossed as she looked at he with her piercing green eyes. I awkwardly turn off her phone and put it back where it belongs.

"Sorry." I mumbled as I slowly got out her bunk. I walked out the bunk area and took a quick glance at Lauren to see her biting her lip and texting on her phone.

"Good morning y/n. Do you want some bacon and eggs?" Ally says as she flipped the bacon. Dinah and Camila are sitting on the couch scrolling through their phones.

"Sure mama Ally, I am just going to go brush my teeth and come back." I say and gave her a hug from behind. Ally slightly jumped when my front connected with her back.

"What is that." She said turning around and looked down to my crotch.

"Oh sorry, morning wood." I replied awkwardly and slowly backed away from her. "I'm gonna go now." I say. I turned around and I see Dinah biting her lip while looking at my crotch and Camila giggling. I gave Dinah a wink and headed to my bunk. While I was digging through my bag to look for clothes to wear, I felt someone from behind me lay their front to my back and rubbed my crotch.

"Let's take shower together." I hear Dinah whisper in my ear. I felt her put her hand in my pants and started jacking me off. "Your dick banging my tight pussy." She then let out a moan.

I quickly grabbed my clothes and towel and took Dinah's hand dragging her to the bathroom. "Whoa, eager much." She says when I threw my clothes on the bathroom table, shut the door, locked it, and slammed her to the door smashing our lips together. Our lips moving in sync. She wrapped her arm around my neck as I picked her up placing my hands on her butt. I gave it a small squeeze and Dinah let out a small moan. "Let's get in the shower." She says. I quickly remove my clothes and started the shower. I looked over at Dinah to see her with her clothes still on.

"Dinah hurry up, I hate having blue balls." She let out a giggle and slowly removed her shirt. I sat on the edge of the tube and watched her. "Oh my gawd Dinah hurry the fuck up." I say through frustration. That only caused her to go slower than before. She placed her shirt where my dirty clothes are and took her pants off leaving her with only bra and pantie. She got in the tube and sat her ass on my lap with her back facing me. She laid her back on my front and reached behind to touch my hair with her head laid on my shoulder. She moved her ass on my dick and I bring my hand to play with her tits. "Mhm Dinah, I've been dreaming of this day to finally touch you." I lick, kiss, and suck on her neck leaving marks on it. I unclip her bra and threw it out the tub. I did the same with her panties. She takes my dick and teases her folds. "Mh, whenever you're ready." I tell her. She stands up sits back down facing me. She then places my dick at her entrance and it slowly disappears in her pussy.

"Ah, your dick feels so good." She says when she started bouncing at a slow pace. I pick her up and banged her pussy while i carry her. "Faster daddy." She yelled. I placed her back to the wall and rammed my dick hard and fast hitting her g-spot. "Uh baby I'm gonna cum." I could feel her nails going through my skin. I could feel myself getting ready to explode. I connected our lips together and she came on my dick. I slowly went in and out of her and I came in her pussy. "Uh, that was the best sex I've ever had." She had a huge smile across her face and she gave me a passionate kiss on the lip. I placed her down and I could see our juices mixed together. She brings her finger down to it and placed her finger in her mouth tasting our cum together. "Taste amazing." She brings her finger to my mouth and I taste it.

"Damn that's good." I say. "We should really take shower now." We both took a shower and now we are changing.

Bang bang bang. "Who ever is in here get the fuck out, it's been two hours." We hear Lauren say. Two hours, dam. I opened the door to see Lauren with a frustrated face. I got out with Dinah following behind. "Did you two seriously fuck in here." She yelled.

"Yup." I replied. I walked to the back room to just get some alone time. Dinah is probably following me since I could hear footsteps from behind. I sat on the couch and she did the same.

"Y/n um I was wondering if we could actually try and yah know..." She nervously says. "I want you to be mine. I would never hide you from the world. Please y/n, give me a chance." She says as she grabs my hand.

"Um yeah. The only reason we couldn't be together was because I was still with Lauren. I would like to take you out some time." I tell her.

"Yeah I would love that." She replied and gave me a quick peck on the lip and we cuddled for the rest of the day watching movies since today is our day off.

Dinah, she's something alright. This is the start of something great.

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