Chapter fourteen

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"Thank you for coming to our concert everybody. Bye!" We all say to the crowd as we made our way out the stage.

The concert is now over and we headed to the dressing room to change out of our outfits. "Damn I'm tired and sweaty." I say while changing my clothes.

"Same." The girls agreed.

"Hey where's y/n, Emily, and Emma?" Normani says.

We look around the room to see that all their belonging are not here. "They probably left early." Camila replied.

I am now sitting on the couch waiting for the others to finish changing. I felt my phone vibrate on my lap.

Scott: There is one last part of this deal that we made.

I look around to make sure that nobody saw the texts between Scott and I.

Me: Okay, what is it.

Scott: To have sex with Daniel.

Oh my gawd. What have I gotten myself into. A part of me wants to do it since I've developed feelings toward Daniel. Also I am now single so it wouldn't hurt anybody. However, I just had gotten out of a relationship and now I want to have sex with someone that I had only meet one month ago.

My phone started ringing. Scott. I stood up and walked out the dressing room so the girls won't hear our conversation. As I am walking down the hallway, I hear Scott's voice coming from one of the rooms not far from where I am at.

"Damn it Lauren, answer your phone."Scott says at the other end of the door.

I open the door to see that Daniel is there too. There was a bed in the middle of the room, a table with a pile of papers on top, and a couch that could probably fit ten people. Daniel was on the couch scrolling through the his phone while I see Scott walking back and forth looking frustrated.

"Hey." I say nervously making my way towards Scott.

"I've been trying to call you." Scott furiously says. He made his way behind table and sat down on the chair. I followed him and sat down across from him. I look behind me to see that Daniel was already looking at me so I sent him a smile as he does the same and goes back on his phone. "So Lauren, are you ready to do the last part of the deal?" He questions me.

"Um... Is there another option." I ask. Scott let out a chuckle and took something from his pocket and placed it in front of me. I take the envelope and inside of it was one million dollars.

"A deal is a deal Lauren. You said that you would do anything to get money since your family can barely make a living. One million dollars is wait for you once it is done." Scott says as I am struggling to make a decision. He then places another envelope with the words one million dollars written on it. "How bout two million dollars. With that much money, it could last you a lifetime. So what do you say Lauren." He says.

I feel a hand on my should and I look up to see Daniel. He bends down and whispers in my ear. "What do you say Lauren, I could give you the best fuck you will ever have."

One of his hand started roaming my body as the other gently comb my hair. His lips made its way on my neck as I could feel him nibble and suck it making me moan. "Mhm Daniel." His hand goes under my shirt and gently pinches my nipple. "Your dad's here." I say. I then hear the door close.

He then pulls away, stopping what he was doing. "I know you want to do this Lauren, just let it happen." He brings me in for a gentle kiss on the lip.

"Okay." He takes my hand, leading me to the bed. He brings me in for another kiss as he lays me down. Our tongues massaging each other as our body moves in perfect sync. He breaks the kiss and pulls off my shirt and my pants as he does the same leaving us with only our underwear. He pulls me back into a kiss and grinds his dick on my clothed center making me let out a moan. He reaches my back and unhook my bra, letting it fall off and threw it somewhere in the room. I flip is over making me top. "I'm in control for tonight, daddy." I sat on his dick and start grinding my ass on it. He lets out a moan and places his hands on my hips.

"Babe please." He groans. I lean down and start kissing his neck making my way to his clothed dick.

"Can't wait to ride this monster." I say as I pull his boxer off with my teeth.


"Lauren wake up." I heard Scott say. I groan while stretching my arms and legs. "Get changed, we're going back on the road soon. Also here is you money." He says and puts the envelope on the table and made his way out the room. I look desire me to see that Daniel was already awake.

"Last night was fun, maybe we can do it again sometime." He says and brings me in for a kiss.

"Maybe." I replied. I took my clothes and started putting it on. "I'll see you later." I say and took the envelope placing it in my pocket where no one will see.

I made my way out the building and into the bus where the girls were still sleeping since it is only 7 am. I headed to my bunk and took some clothes to change after I am done taking shower and also took a towel with me to the bathroom. I placed the envelope under my pillow and made my way to the bathroom. I undressed myself and jumped in the showers feeling the warm water cover my body. I let my mind wander to the question that I have been asking myself since I woke up.

Was it worth getting the money?

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