Chapter twenty-three

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I woke up in the arms of Bethany. Right after her friends left, we went to our room and made out for a bit. We both couldn't go to sleep so we stayed up till four in the morning.

Today we don't have school and that's because it is Saturday. I don't really know what I will do today.

I turned myself around to face Bethany since she was the big spoon. I started leaving open kisses on her face. She still didn't wake up.

I kissed her neck, chest, stomach, and down to her vagina. I slowly took off her pantie, since we both slept with our underwear and bra, and bit both of her inner thighs to leave a mark.

I wrapped both of my arms around her hip and used my thumb to rub her clit. "Mhm y/n." Bethany moaned out. I look up to see that she still has her eyes closed.

I slowly licked her now wet pussy. Hm, taste like... Vagina. Her fingers went to my hair, I knew she was awake. I kiss up to her neck while one hand slowly rubs her clit and the other is rubbing her boob. She started to buck her hips wanting more.

I moved from her neck to her lips. She flips us over so she is straddling me.

"What the fuck is this!" One of Bethany's friend yells. "At least lock the door if you gonna do it."

We stop what we were doing and got the blanket to cover ourself.

"Get some Bethany!" The other one says. Bethany just flips her off. I felt Bethany's hand move to my dick and she slowly rubs the head. I let out a soft moan.

"You guys aren't done yet!" She yells again.

"Shut up Alyssa, we just started." Bethany yelled back. "Get the fuck out!"

"Why, so you two can finish whatever the fuck you two were doing." Alyssa yelled back. "Jem, are you just gonna sit there or are you going to help me."

I didn't realize that Jem was sitting on the floor in front of the bed watching the Kardashians. "I just came to hang out with the new couple." She turns to us. "Don't mind me, I'm just watching tv." She turns her head back at the tv.

"You know what, Alyssa get out." All of a sudden Bethany takes a hold of my dick as quickly moves her hand up and down. "I am going to fuck you and I don't care if they are in the room." She lays on top of me and makes sure that the blanket is covering us both.

"She left." Jem yells right when I hear the door shut.

"Bethany slow down, you're going cheetah fast. My dick is fragile." I try to say when I feel her nails scratching up my dick. "Why didn't you cut your nail."

"I'm sorry baby, they ruined my mood and I didn't want to leave you hot and bothered since I didn't get to finish you off." Bethany says and she slowed herself down.

"It's alright, I'm just gonna go take a shower." I say and take her hand out my dick and head to the bathroom.

"Oh... I always ruin everything." I hear her whisper the last part. "She taste good though."

I jumped in the shower and turned on the water. I wasn't too sure what happened yesterday. I still feel like a part of me is missing. Yes Bethany is great and all but maybe it's best if we stay as friends. I guess I just missed the fact that I will always have someone that will be there for me through thick and thin. I don't really connect with her either. I just see her as a best friend not a girlfriend. How will I be able to tell her this. I don't want to hurt her.

Knock knock. "Hey y/n are you okay, you have been in there for an hour now." I hear Bethany say.

I didn't realize that I have been standing here for an hour and I didn't even wash my body and hair. "Yeah I'm fine, just having fun."

"Oh ok, don't let me ruin the 'fun' you're having" she replied and emphasis the word fun.

Really y/n, having fun. I'm so stupid. "Yeah lol, I'm done." I say. I'm just going to take an actual shower tonight.

I got out and the bathroom and went to my room to pick out the clothes I'm going to be wearing. I went through my luggage and the first shirt that was folded was Lauren's 1975 shirt along with Dinah's snapback. So many memories raced through my head. A tear slipped out my eyes. I took the shirt and SnapBack and threw it in the trash. I got my clothes and changed.

"Hey, um I just made breakfast. Come to the kitchen if you're ready." Bethany says. She had a sad face on probably knew that something is bothering me.

"Ok, I'll be there in a second." I replied. I flashed her a genuine smile and she returned one back.

How will I tell her.

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