Chapter eleven

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I woke up to someone shaking me. "What the fuck do you want." I say annoyed.

"Watch your language!" Ally yelled at me. I thought Normani was the one that was trying to wake me up but it was Ally.

"Shit, Ally I am sorry." I say apologizing to her. I get up and quickly run to the bathroom and locked it. I just swore in front of her face twice. I said twice.

"Y/fn, you better get out of the bathroom now!" Ally yelled at the other end of the door. She then started banging on it.

"What should I do? Think y/n, think." I say to myself. I start looking around the bathroom and there isn't anything that can help me escape from Ally.

Ally then yelled louder and louder, hitting the door harder. I should just give up. I walked to the bathtub. Yes our tour bus consists of a master sink with a bathtub inside it with a shower head. I take off my clothes and start to fill the tub with water and started a bubble bath.

All of a sudden Ally stops yelling and banging. I put the clothes that I was wearing and put it in my basket of dirty clothes. I take a towel from the cabinet by the sink and hang it by the bathtub. I put my body in the tub when it was finally ready for me to go in. I then lay down and relaxed, closing my eyes. I hear the door unlock and hear people walking towards me.

"Y/n, what do you think you are doing." Ally says clearly mad about what had happened between me and her.

"Ally Brooke Hernandez." I say calmly. I didn't open my eyes, I just laid there. "I am ready to bathe in holy water." I say hearing a few giggle coming from where Ally stood. Probably Normani, Dinah, and Camila was with her. I then started praying. "Lord Allysus, please forgive me for what I have done. I am just an eighteen year old little lesbo out in this big world." I say hearing the room fill with laughter.

"Your are forgiven y/n. Now let me baptize you with my holy water." Ally says. She went out the room and then came back with an empty cup. She bent down by the bathtub and started scooping the water and pouring it on me.

Ten minutes later and she is still hasn't stop pouring the water on me. The other girls left the room five minutes ago leaving Ally and I alone in the room. "Ally I think that is enough." I say to her.

"Sorry, I am just really bored." Ally says then she stops and just sat down on the chair beside the tub. Silence filled the room. "Hey, um... I heard that you and Lauren are having problems." Ally says looking at me.

"Yeah, she barely talk or text me ever since Daniel came in the picture." I say sadly. " I am gonna get out the tub now, I think my dick is starting to wrinkle." I say trying to avoid the the topic.

"Okay, let me help you." Ally says taking the towel that was beside the bathtub. I didn't mind letting Ally see my body because she already saw everything but it was on accident. She saw me once when I was changing and I forgot to lock the door so my body was facing the door and when she came in, she saw everything of me from head to toe. I got out from the bathtub and saw her eyes roaming around my body, not in a sexual way though. I then saw her eyes go to my wrists and my thighs and my hips. She then gasps. I took the towel from her hold and wrapped it around myself. "Y/n, that was a lot." She says and brought me into a hug. "Please y/n, you need to stop. This isn't good for you, you don't deserve this."

"You don't know anything Ally." I say as I pulled her apart from me.

"I may not but I am here for you y/n." Ally says as tears start to form her eyes. "I thought you were getting better. You were always smiling and having the time of your life. But I guess behind that smile was someone reaching out for help. Please y/n stop, I am begging you. Do it for me." Ally says as she brought me into another hug and cried into my chest. I just held her and this felt uncomfortable because first, I am naked only wrapped around a towel and second, her stomach keeps touching my boto.

"Hey Ally, I will try and stop. For you." I say making her look up at me. Her frown then turned into a smile. I wipe her tears away. "Let's get out of here so I can get my clothes and change." I say to her. Ally still never let go of me so then I just led us out of the bathroom and to my bunk. "Ally." I say. She looks up at me. "I need to change now." She lets go of me and heads to her bunk.

I open my curtain and go inside my bunk. I take my phone that was charging to check what time it is. 3:59pm. We were informed that we had to be at the concert by 6 so we can get everything ready since the concert starts at 7. I took some clothes and start putting it on. When I am done I open the mini tv that was hanging from my bunk ceiling. I go on Netflix and put on A Walk To Remember which is one of my favorite movies. Half way through the movie and my curtain opens revealing Dinah Jane. She hops in my bunk and laid her head on my chest getting comfortable. "Hey D'mac." I say wrapping my arm around her.

"Can we talk." She says making me take my eyes off of the TV. We sat up making her sit across from me legged crossed. I turn off the TV and gave her my undivided attention. "So y/n, I have been having feelings for you for two years now. I was just wondering if you and Lauren ever broke up, would I ever get a chance to be with you?" Dinah says waiting for my answer.

"Well Dinah, I actually have feeling for you too. If Lauren and I broke up then yes we will have a chance to be together." I say to her and a smile forms on her face.

All of a sudden I feel myself moving closer towards her until our faces are nearly a centimeter apart. "Kiss me." I tell her. She pulls my face to hers and smash our lips together. She put so much emotion in this kiss. I feel sparks, butterflies in my stomach causing me to go weak. Then things started to get heated. I push her on her back making me on top of her. I felt her tongue lick my bottom lip asking for entrance and I happily give it to her. She starts roaming her tongue in my mouth and starts to suck in my tongue. I let out a moan. Dinah's legs are wrapped around my waist and I start to grinding my dick into her heated core making her let out a moan.

"Y/n, are you sure you want to do this?" Dinah asks me making me stop what I was doing.

Do I want this?

A/n: What would you do?

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