Chapter ten

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"So Lauren, are you ready for our date." Daniel says as we walk out of the venue and into his car.

"More than ready." I reply.

I spotted a few paparazzi's taking pictures of us from afar. I can feel my phone vibrating on my hand, signaling that I got a text.

Remember our deal, Lauren.

Scott is our manager. When we got in the car, I immediately texted my manager back. Daniel started driving to where our date will be.

Yeah, yeah. what do you want now.

I replied annoyed.

I want you and Daniel to kiss in front of the paparazzi's during your date with him. Also, Daniel already knows about this.

Ugh fine whatever.

I don't know if I should kiss him or not. I have y/n and she is the only one I am supposed to kiss. How will she react if she found out. Then I also grew feeling for Daniel. Ever since the day we met at the restaurant, we have been texting non-stop and the thought of holding, kissing, and doing other things that couples do in public just puts a smile across my face.

"Lauren, we are here." Daniel says making me stop my thoughts and take in the place we are at.

There, stood a fancy restaurant filled with many well-dressed people. Daniel got out of the car and went to my side of the car to open the door for me.

"My lady." He says reaching his hand out for me to take.

"What a gentlemen." I say taking his hand for me to get out of his car.

There was many paparazzi's crowding us taking pictures as we made our way towards the entrance of the restaurant.

"Are you two dating? Lauren who is that guy? Lauren look over here?!"

Many people tried to pull me into the crowd but a few men can out of the restaurant to come and help us get in.

"Thank you." We say to the guys.

Daniel took my hand and led me to the receptionist.

"Hello sir, reservation for two?" The lady asks.

"Yes ma'am." Daniel says with a big smile.

"Alright, follow me." The lady says.

She took us to the far corner of the room which was the only tables that was not reserved. "Here is your menu, your waiter will be coming when you are ready to order." The lady says and we thank her then she made her way back I the front desk.

Daniel pulled out a chair for me to sit. "Thank you." I say then he went to sit across from me.

I picked up my menu looking at variety of foods making my mouth water.

"Are you ready to order?" Daniel asks. I look up from my menu to see him holding both his cheeks with his hands as his elbows are on the table. An adorable smile was plastered on his face as my emerald eyes met his blue eyes causing me to do the same.

"Yeah, I will get a pork belly sandwich, steak, ribs, sushi, fruit salad, and water." I say making his eyes widen from how many food I wanted to eat. Hey, this is free food I am talking about. He's paying right? I hope so.

The last time I went out on a date besides y/n was this guy named Louis whom forgotten his wallet at his house. Luckily I had cash in my pocket saving us from going to jail for not paying. I paired for the date and I was the first and last date I ever had with Louis.

"Wow, don't you think that is a lot for a girl like you?" He says letting out a nervous chuckle. Sounds like he doesn't have enough money, oh well.

This is why dates with y/n is fun because we order as much food as we want having enough money to pay but that is rare now a days since we both have been busy with our music and more paparazzi's has been around us not letting us get our privacy.

"Why, what's wrong?" I say a bit annoyed.

"I didn't um..." he says looking down at his fingers. "I can't pay for all that since I only brought $100." He looked up at me with a frown.

"Oh um, I'll just not get water then." I say messing with his head. I tried my best to keep a straight face which was successful.

It was silent for a few seconds until I spoke up. "I was kidding Daniel, I will just get ribs, sushi and water." I say.

Our waitress came up to our table and took our orders. When he got our orders, he left leaving Daniel and I alone again.

"So Lauren, I know you are only doing this from the deal between you and Scott but, I have developed feelings for you from the past days." Daniel says confessing his feelings towards me.

I don't know what to say. I have also developed feelings toward him but then I have y/n who I have been dating for two years. I never really told anyone this but I don't really seen y/n as someone I would want to live with for the rest of my life. A year ago, I loved her but now as the days passed my love for her slowly changed. I didn't break up with her because I know that once I do, she will go back into a suicidal state. Should I tell him?

"I have developed feeling for you too Daniel." I say to him making a big smile form on his face.

Our waiter came back with our food ready. We were laugh at each others embarrassing moments just trying to get to know one another.

We finished our food and I took out my phone to check the time. 11:37am. I had a few miss calls from the girls and a many text messages. I'll just check them later.

"Ready for the second part of our date?" Daniel says as we got inside his car. He drove to a bowling place.

We are in the bowling ally are in an intense competition. An hour has passed and it was this last round. We both have strikes on all rounds. Daniel bowled the ball getting him a spare. If I get a strike then I win.

"Loser." I say to him playfully when he made his way towards the chair I sat in. He stuck his tongue out in response.

I got the bowling ball and made my way to the ally. I rolled the ball making a strike.

"Yes. I won!" I yelled causing everyone to look at me. I was dancing in front of Daniel like a fool rubbing my victory on his.

"Yeah Lauren you won." Daniel says as he stood up from his seat joining me.

After that as we made our way towards the exit, Daniel and I got a text.

The kiss.

Right I forgot. "You ready." Daniel says as he took hold of my hand brought me close to him.

"Yeah." I responded. I am really exited to finally feel his lips on mine.

We got out the building and many paparazzi's was crowding our way taking pictures.

When we made it to the car, Daniel turned me around facing him. He cupped my cheek and pulled me into a passionate kiss. I felt butterfly's in my stomach and it felt like it was only me and him in the world right now. When air became a problem, we pulled away and he laid his forehead on top of mines.

"Wow." We both say causing us to laugh.

We got into the car and now it is 1:46pm. We finally made it back to the tour bus and I gave Daniel a goodbye kiss and told him to text me.

I headed to the bus and put in the code to get in. Once I got in, I went straight to my bunk to rest since it was a long day. I took off my shoes and changed into something comfortable. I had five hours left since it is 2:00pm. I decided to use most of that time to sleep. I went off to sleep dreaming about my future with Daniel.

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