Chapter nineteen

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I woke up from my beauty sleep. I sat up and see that I slept on the couch with popcorn surrounding me. I see that Emily and Emma is still sleeping. 9:23am. I get up and head to my room. I get a towel and went to take a shower and do my morning routine.

After that I headed to the kitchen to prepare some breakfast. I just made some eggs, bacon, waffle, and pancakes. I got a mega phone and headed to the living room. I turned it on. "Pussy molester and Vagina whore, wake the fuck up!" I yelled into the megaphone. They both jumped off the couch and landed on the floor.

"What the fuck." They both yelled.

"It morning and it's time to eat you fat pigs." I say to them and headed to go wake up Dinah and the Btch.

Knock knock

No answer. I opened the door and the first thing I noticed was that they both were naked and Rose was spooning Dinah. I should've known this was gonna happen. I closed the door and went to the kitchen.

"Hey what's wrong?" Emily asked. They both were eating there breakfast and I start to make mines.

"They had sex." I simply said. I went to sit by Emma.

"Oh I'm sorry." They both said.

"It's whatever." I replied.

Dinah comes in the room all smiley and giggly along with Rose. "Good morning." Dinah says. She gets a plate and gets food for the both of them.

"Dinah can I talk to you." I say to her. "After your done eating your breakfast. Just meet me in my room." She gives me a nod and heads out to eat her breakfast with Rose.

"Are you gonna break up with her?" Emily says. We all finished our breakfast and Emily is washing the dishes.

"Yeah." I replied.

I headed to my room and laid down on my bed. I got my phone and opened my Wattpad app. I started writing another image for my Fifth Harmony Imagines book. I finished my image and Dinah came in the room. Perfect. I got up and pat my bed for Dinah to sit. I put my phone down by the table beside my bed.

"What do you want to talk about?" Dinah said when she sat by me facing me face to face. I could tell she knew what I was gonna say by the look on her face.

"We need to break up. I know about you and Rose. You need to be with her, not me. I see the way you look at her. You used to look at me like that. I'm happy for you." I say to her.

"Oh ok. Thank you. I was gonna tell you about this with you but I just couldn't find the courage to do so. I guess this is goodbye." She says. She bring me into a hug and gives me a goodbye kiss on my lips.

"I also have somethings to say. I haven't told the others yet. I'm going back to college in Hawaii. I'm gonna major in Architecture. I'm leaving tomorrow." I say.

"Oh." She simply says with sadness.

"Yeah." We just sat there starting at each other. Next thing I know I was leaning into her and our lips met. Things started heating up and I guess you know what happened next.


I texted everyone of my friends to meet me at a venue not far from here. "I texted you all to be here because I got news for you. For some it may be bad, for others it may be good. I'm going back to school to become an Architecture." I look at everyone's face and they all were shocked. People thought that I was gonna stick to being a musician. One person started clapping then many. "Thank you all, for always supporting me on my decisions." I gave each and everyone a hug and a good bye.

I got back to my apartment to pack my backs.

Knock knock.

"Come in!" I yelled.

"Hey." I hear Lauren say. We haven't talked ever since that one interview. "I just want to say that I'm happy for you. I'm sorry for all the crap that I've done to you. I understand if you won't accept it. I'll miss you." She got something out of her pocket. It looked like a picture.

"Thank you, I'll miss you too." I say. Right when she was about to walk out I said,"Wait, I love you." She gave me a smile.

"I love you too." She then walked out my room.

I went to get what she got for me. It was a picture. Not just any picture but it was a picture of me and Lauren in the carnival on our first date.

There was a letter written in the back of the picture.

Dear Y/n,

Two years of an emotional, loving relationship that I have shared with you. Two years of hiding you from everyone. I don't know why you were still with me when all I've done was hurt you. You still managed to handle all the crap that I pooped out.

I remember our first date. We went to a carnival. We went to every game to try and win each other a stuffed animal. Twenty one games later. I won you ten small stuffed animal and a giant panda. As for you, you won me only one small stuffed tiger. I still have that tiger. I brought it with me wherever I would go. Either if it's on tour or if it was just a vacation. I would sleep with it every night.

I also remember when I would always read you a book every night so you could fall asleep. You always would have a hard time to fall asleep and one day when I read you a book at night, you fell asleep right away and ever since then, I have been doing it.

I'm sorry that this relationship didn't work out but I know that there is someone out there that will love you every single day of your life. I have learned a lot from you, either it's a life lesson or how to play call of duty. You would always say that you made me win on purpose, why can't you accept the fact that I was better than you.

Any ways, you will always hold a special place in my heart. I will always love you.

Love the one and only,

Lauren Michelle Jauregui

I wipe the tears that formed in my eyes. I take the picture and put it in my Memories book. I close the book and headed back to my bed and went to sleep since it was late. Tomorrow I leave to go to Hawaii. Better get some rest.  

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