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She stood there..  at the train station.. staring for a minute at the entrance to the outside world.

An ordinary girl by all appearances. Her medium length chestnut colored hair, her shapely, yet slightly tomboyish figure, and her reminiscent eyes, as she stared at the oh so familiar sight..

She was back.. and she never thought she would be.. but.. she was here.. in this city.. once more.

Mikoto Misaka.. that was her name. Though of course, if you speak Japanese like the writer of this book, then you would probably say her Last name first, and call her Misaka Mikoto.

But after spending a year studying in Gotham City, Mikoto had gotten used to having her First name appear before her last.

Ever since both her parents died in a bombing that had been meant to kill her, Mikoto had felt it best to leave the city where she had been educated before the incident.. Academy City.. the best center for science and technology the world had to offer.

A land locked independent city state, and with it's own laws, technology, and comprised mainly of colleges, high schools, middle schools, and Elementary schools, receiving people from all over the world who desired to study in it's most popular curriculum... the Power Development Curriculum. Which used mind tricks and suggestive drugs to help people become Espers.. Psychics with unique abilities that bent the laws of physics themselves.

And in a world where a man with a red cape and a blue suit could fly to the moon and back, and then melt a bridge with his eyes... or where an Amazon Woman could lasso a plane out of the sky.. who wouldn't envy having powers to contend with the rapidly changing world?

Academy City existed before the arrival of Superheroes.. Espers existed before then too.. However, ever since the coming of Superman, Green Lantern, Red Tornado, and all the other supes and baddies, there had been a race for entry exams to Academy City.

Mikoto had been a top esper.. one of the 7 most powerful of her kind, known as a Level 5, as Esper abilities ranged from Level 0, all the way to 5. The most powerful manipulator of electrical currents, and lightning, an Electromaster, called the Railgun, named after her signature move..

However, after the hellish experiences she endured in Academy City, and the death of her parents.. Mikoto jumped at the first opportunity she could and signed up for the Wayne Foundation Scholarship in Gotham City, all the way in America.

It was an opportunity to intern at Wayne Enterprises, working personally for the eccentric billionaire himself Bruce Wayne.

However, Gotham City proved to be an even darker place then Academy City..

And not only that, but it also provided an opportunity beyond education, that she never would have thought of in her wildest dreams.

Mikoto's thoughts were interrupted by a call on her cellphone. She answered it and smiled when she heard the man on the other end.

"Excuse me ma'am.. just wanted to make sure you arrived alright.."

"Alfred! I'm fine." said Mikoto. "You don't have to keep checking up on me."

"Well, it's the first time you've ever gone.. well.. solo.. so to speak. I remember even Dick was constantly checking in when he went to Bludhaven."

"Alfred.. I'll do okay.. you know me.. Bruce taught me everything he knows.. and I've got 1 billion volts to back me up in case that training isn't enough.." said Mikoto.

"Your equipment should arrive in several days." said Alfred.

"I'll get started immediately then." Mikoto.

A Batgirl in Academy City: Book 1, Return.Where stories live. Discover now