A Happy Batmobile To You

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7 Months Ago

"YOU ARE GETTING RID OF IT!!! I DON'T CARE WHAT YOU SAY!!!" Mikoto was running after Dick Grayson (AKA Nightwing) With a pair of scissors, a razor, and a shower curtain under her arm, as Dick backed away, waving his hands.

"No!! The ladies love it!" Dick exclaimed. 

The subject in question, was Dick's current hairstyle, which was a mullet.

"No! A mullet is what either people from Lord of the Rings, or Sith Lords wear.. Are you from Lord of the Rings or a Sith Lord!?" Mikoto growled. 

"I think I could pull off a Sith Lord!" said Dick. 

"NO YOU CAN'T!!" said Mikoto. "Now sit down.. and let me give you a proper haircut!!"

Bruce, who was sitting by the fireplace and reading the News Paper, looked up and chuckled. "Best do what she says..  I tried to skip a meeting once, and you do NOT want to see how brutal it got when she finally forced me to go.."

"You can't skip meetings with financial advisors! Especially when we're spending half our money on expensive crime fighting toys!" said Mikoto. "Now Mr. Grayson.. SIT DOWN.."

"Make me!" said Dick.

Mikoto gave Dick a demonic glare that would have melted a thousand buildings and scared Deadpool sane.

Dick gulped. "Ahh.. okay.. I'll sit.."

Dick sat down on a stool as Mikoto began wrapping the shower curtain around him. As she began to snip at Dick's hair, Alfred walked in.

"Ahh.. young Mistress Misaka has finally reached young Master Grayson has she?" said Alfred.

"What's that supposed to mean?" said Dick.

"When Master Drake visited, she was very adamant about him getting rid of that abominable Mohawk he was sporting." said Alfred. "So she went straight to work.. my.. she actually has a skill with the comb that I quite admire.."

"I don't have a barber, never had, so I learned to do my own hair." said Mikoto simply. "How do you think I've kept the same exact hairstyle ever since I was little?"

"You won't regret it Dick." said Bruce. "She does my hair now too."

"Your Interns are getting more handy every time you hire one.." Dick muttered. "And seriously.. Tim had a Mohawk!?"

"It looked more like he should have become Red Rooster then Red Robin.." Mikoto muttered. "Jeez those stupid mohawks.. and If I ever get my hands on Damian's hair, I will SHAVE him.."

"What about that Touma Kamijou you're always on about..?" said Dick. "Go cut his hair and leave us Rooftop Jumpers alone."

"Nice try... his hair is perfect.." Mikoto said, going slightly pink.

"Just vacuum up here once you're done Miss." said Alfred. "And do be sure to make sure he has bangs when you're done.. I'm tired of seeing that billboard forehead.."

"Gotcha.." said Mikoto.

"Excuse me.. but can I at least pick my own style?" said Dick.

"No! the Mullet is proof enough that you don't know what's good for you." Mikoto said.

About 14 minutes later.. which had to be a record for hair cutting, Dick was looking at himself in a hand mirror. He now had nice normal length spiky black hair with some disheveled bangs that sort of brought the picture together.

"I call that.. Young Justice Style." said Mikoto. "Don't ask me why, but I felt that name was good."

"Nice." said Dick. "I'll have to come to you for haircuts more often."

A Batgirl in Academy City: Book 1, Return.Where stories live. Discover now