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9 Months Earlier

Commissioner Gordon stood atop Gotham's Police Department Headquarters, eying his watch as he stood next to the massive light projector that was shining the Bat Signal into the sky.

Rain pelted down on all of Gotham, enhancing the look of a city broiled in turmoil and crime. Other officers stood with Gordon muttering and wondering out loud to each other.

"Think he'll show up?"

"This is my first transfer man, I've been dying to see the bat up close."

Gordon ignored the excited whispers of his officers, and he wasn't surprised when the moment lightning flashed, Batman appeared there on the rooftop, as if he had sprung out of the storm itself.

"Jim. I hear you've got a problem with Crane." said Batman.

"Problem is an understatement." said Gordon. "He's out of control. Scarecrow's been hitting the turf of over a hundred different big gangs.. he's even gone after Black Mask. This isn't like him.. he's more the type who likes to experiment with fear and all that instead of going after money and riches.."

"Or he's seeing the advantage in experimenting with other methods of inspiring different kinds of fear." said Batman. "The fear of organized crime is the fear of control. Fearing what the gangs can do.. where they can go.. the type of fear that keeps witnesses from testifying."

"I thought he was bad enough when he wasn't experimenting." Gordon said. "Where's Robin?"

"He's on a different assignment tonight.. I'm showing this one the ropes for now.."

"This one..?" Gordon suddenly noticed Batgirl hiding behind Batman, looking rather nervous. "My! Is that a new Batgirl I see?"

Batgirl walked out and nodded, not saying anything.

"A bit more soft spoken then my Barbara and the other ones after her." said Gordon. "Nerves eh? Well I'm sure if Batman's trained you, then you'll do fine."

"Yes sir.." muttered Batgirl.

"Respectful too, I like this one." said Gordon, giving Batman a wink. "Just be careful out there.. rumor is Scarecrow's turned to grabbing hostages of late."

"We'll handle it Jim. Keep your men on standby just in case." said Batman. "And post squadrons on the perimeters of gang territories that haven't been hit yet."

Jim nodded and turned to his men. "You heard Batman boys.. make it happen!"

Gordon turned to look at Batman again.. but.. both him and Batgirl had disappeared.

"Heh, she does that just as good as her boss." said Gordon with a chuckle.


"So.." Batgirl said, as she sat in the shotgun seat of the Batmobile, with Batman at the wheel. "Scarecrow huh? What's he like?"

"A former psychologist with a heavy interest in studying fear and it's effects on others." said Batman. He developed a special toxin that is capable of inducing highly potent hallucinations of an individuals deepest fear. This toxin, in high enough doses, can cause insanity and even death."

"Whoah.. eh.. guess I'll be holding my breath huh?"

"It can also transmit through skin contact." said Batman. "Scarecrow's in a bigger league then most.. so listen to everything I say, to the letter.. understand?"

"Gotcha Bats.."

"And do not use your powers unless absolutely necessary." said Batman. "If your identity is to remain symbolic.. you musn't let those  around you know who you are.. or those you care about become at risk, and the symbol's effects are lessened."

A Batgirl in Academy City: Book 1, Return.Where stories live. Discover now