Parental Guidance

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When Mikoto awoke.. she found herself strapped to an airplane passenger chair, dressed in only her underwear since her suit had been removed, and was now hanging on a hook near the other end of the cabin.

Mikoto tested the straps.. and tried to activate her power.. only feel a strange frequency coming from somewhere around her neck, blocking her power. It was a black collar of some sort.

"Sorry about the lack in clothing." Frenda spoke up from where she sat next to Mikoto. "We found at least 20 different gadgets hidden in that thing that would've set you free..."

Mikoto shivered from the cold. "Why.. didn't you just kill me?"

"Waller wants you alive.." Scarecrow got up from a seat near the front of the cabin. "And unspoilt... she believes you would be a good perspective member for our group."

"And what makes her think that she can get me to work for her?"

"The same way she got us to." said Frenda. "She implanted chips in all of our heads, if we even look like we're disobeying her.. she can blow our brains out.. and she'll implant the same chip in you.."

"It will be the height of my vengeance.." said Scarecrow. "As Batman watches, helpless, while you are forced to serve under our corrupt government bureaucracy. The Railgun at Waller's command.."

Frenda glared at Scarecrow. "That's all you ever talk about! Revenge on Batgirl! Bla bla bla! Give it a rest already, we're all tired!!"

Scarecrow grumbled something about Frenda being a Killjoy before walking off to another cabin where the other members of Suicide Squad were probably sitting.

"I know you're afraid of clowns.." Frenda whispered. "So I kept Harley Quinn far in the complete back of the plane.."

"Why are you being so nice to me? As I remember.. you used to really hate me for that time I beat you and Meltdowner.." Mikoto muttered. "You playing some sort of psychological game with me?"

Frenda shook her head. "That was before I got cut in half by Mugino-Sempai.. after that, my life was put into perspective when Waller used her resources to save me.. And Suicide Squad has done tons more terrible stuff then ITEM has... I've forgiven Mugino-sempai.."

"You said something about revenge though.."

"That was just to look tough... I kinda like looking tough.. it makes Shark-sama feel safe." said Frenda. "He may look gruesome, but he's actually a very nice guy... he just doesn't like it when people treat him like a monster.."

"Well people don't like it when he decides to eat them." Mikoto growled.

"Anyways, I feel sorry for you.. you're in the same boat as us now.." said Frenda. "Forced to serve.."

"So is Scarecrow like your team leader?"

"No.. actually, our leader is.."

"MUAAAAA!!!" Deadpool jumped out. "That's right! The master of disaster!! the King Pool of Cool!!!! The man who won't die!! DEADPOOL!!!!"

Deadpool leaned in close to Mikoto. "So! You comfortable? Can I get you anything? Sparkling water? Soda? Lemonade?"

"Howabout.. getting me out of these bonds?"

"HAHAHAHAH! You're funny! I like you!! And your crazy hallucinations of a clown version of your self, she's the best!"

"Aw shucks!" Joy Buzzer's voice said.

"So what's with the lack of shirt and pants?" said Deadpool, eying Mikoto up and and down. "Some crazy form of Fan Service the author's got you mixed up in? Cause you are hot!"

A Batgirl in Academy City: Book 1, Return.Where stories live. Discover now