Chapter Seventeen

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Chapter Seventeen:

I get in my car and drive to Mary’s house. When I get to Mary’s house she comes out.

“Hey, what’s wrong?” she asks.

“Drew and Stefan want me to choose between them.” I start to cry.

“Oh god. Well Lucas is here too. Maybe he can help you.”

“Okay. I need to ask him a question.” We go inside and I go over to Lucas.

“Lucas, does Stefan really want me back?”

“Lexie, I don’t know how to put this but he has a girlfriend right now.”

“Oh really, he just got in a fight with Drew over me.”

“Well I do know that he still loves you. But I don’t know if he wants you back.”

“I have feelings for him and I always will but I don’t know if he is someone that I really want to be with or not.” I say.

“I remember when we were little we used to be really close. You are still probably the only guy that is only a friend and I’m glad because you are like a brother to me. What do you think I should do? Who do you think is best for me?” I ask Mary and Lucas.

“Lex, you know that you and Drew have so much in common and he is perfect for you. Stefan and you were always great together, but your heart didn’t seem to be in the relationship the last couple months. Even though the last couple months you two were secretly dating.” Mary says.

“I think that you are right. Stefan and I were dating for a long time and we just grew apart. But now, I just…I still have feelings for him.” I say.

“Well he was your first love, so that probably has something to do with it.” Mary says.

“Hey Lexie, you will make the right choice, you just have to follow your heart.” Lucas says.

“I hope so. Thanks for helping me, you two are the best.” I say and I hug both of them. I leave and go home so that I can think it through. When I get home I go upstairs and take a shower.

“Now all I have to do is listen for my heart to tell me who I should be with. Okay heart I’m ready, now who is it? This isn’t working.” I say. I have to tell Drew and Stefan my answer soon. The door bell rings and I get up off my bed and go downstairs to answer the door.

“Who is it?” I ask.

“Pizza delivery.” someone says.

“What?” I open the door. Lucas is standing in front of me.

“Hey, I heard that you have to give two people an answer soon and I had a feeling you could use someone to talk to.”

I start crying and say, “Yeah, I really could because I have no clue who I really want to be with and I have to tell them in an hour.”

“Its okay, like I said you need to listen to your heart.”

“Screw listening to my heart, I tried and it didn’t work!”

“Okay fine. But if you need me just give me a call.”

“Lucas, you’re a great ‘brother’.”

“And you’re my little sister. I’ll always be here for you.” he says. I give him a big hug and then he leaves.

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