Chapter Five

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Chapter Five:

It is the first week that Stefan and I are secretly dating. The week seems to go by pretty fast though I thought that I would worry too much about Stefan but I actually don’t. Lying to my parents is surprisingly easier than I thought it would be. We have already had two dates. All I have to do is tell my parents that I’m going to Mary’s and have them say “Hi” to her so that they think I’m with her.

4 Weeks Later

Stefan and I have to pretend to be broken up at school too. Its much harder at school because we see each other and we can’t change that. Our parents still haven’t found out that we are secretly dating and we have been secretly

dating for five weeks now. I haven’t told Mary much and I know that I should but I can’t risk my parents finding out. We are at school and we are waiting for the last bell to ring when Stefan comes up to me and Mary.

“Hey…….Lexie.” Stefan says worried.

“Hey.” I say and in an angry whisper I say, “What are you doing?”

“Can I talk to you for a minute?”

“Sure. Is this about the English project?”

“Yeah, I have a few questions. Can I talk to you about it on the way out?”

“Sure. Well I’m going to my car now. So lets go and I’ll see if I can answer your questions.”

“Bye Mary. I will call you later.”

“See ya Mary.”

“Are you out of your freakin’ mind!?” I say when we get to my car.

“Okay, I know that it was stupid, but I needed to talk to you about something.” he says.

“Well okay, so what is it?” I say angry.

“Go out with me Saturday?”

“Stefan, I don’t know if I…………..” Stefan cuts me off.

“Lexie, please.” he says and looks at me with that killer smile that he knows I can’t resist.

“Okay, fine. So where are we going?”

“To a park.”

“Which one? For what?” I ask. Stefan just smiles at me.

“You aren’t going to tell me, are you?” But before I can say anything else, he kisses me.

“So can I take that as a yes?” He kisses me again, softly and says “Yes.”

“Oh I’m going to Mary’s but I can meet you at the park at 8.”

“Okay that time is perfect.”

“What should I wear?”

“Normal, jeans and a T-shirt.” he says.

“Okay so I will see you tomorrow. Bye.” I say and I kiss him on the cheek then get in my car.

“Bye.” he says.

* * *

As soon as I get home the first thing that I do is call Mary.

“Hey Mary, can you come over?” I ask.

“Sure, I am already on my way. See you in 2!” Mary says. A few minutes later she walks into my bedroom.

“Hey! I need your help, I have no idea what to wear!”

“Wait, what?” So I tell her everything that Stefan said to me.

“Well lets take in your closet.” She is like a fashion genius. As in if Stefan were to ask me to go out Mary and I would get together and pick out an outfit. So I ended up wearing a cross back cami. It is a little darker than sky blue, green, gray, and black flowers with jean capris and flip flops. When Mary leaves I walk out. My mom is just getting home from work.

“Sweetheart, what are you doing tomorrow?” she asks.

“I’m going to Mary’s and then I’m going out with some friends.” I tell her.

“Okay sweetie. I was just wondering.”

When I get to Mary’s she is in her room picking out an outfit for her date with Ben. She really likes him and I know that she doesn’t want anything bad to happen between them. I see that she has only two outfits sitting on her bed(out of like 100 different choices). Mary’s family is totally rich just like mine. The only difference is, is that she has so many clothes. Mary’s mom works with a designer so she gets tons of clothes. Not to mention the shoes(they have a closet in their house that is just full of shoes.

“Hey Mary, I have to go. But I want details later, go it?”

“Okay and talk to you later.” After I leave Mary’s I head straight to the park. When I get to the park Stefan is already there waiting for me. From what I can see, I see a blanket spread out under a tree, and a picnic basket and a lantern on the blanket. I walk up to Stefan and kiss him. We sit down and he says that he wants to tell me something.

“Lexie, I love you so much and I want you to have this.” he says and hands me a small black box. I take the box and open it. Inside is a gold heart with diamonds on a gold chain. I hand it to him and he puts it on me.

“Stefan, I love you too, so, so much. And I love my necklace, thank you.”

“Anything for the girl that I love.” he kisses me. Stefan puts his arm around my shoulders and I put arms around his waist. I put my head on his shoulder and we just sit there and then he kisses me and I kiss him back.

For a few hours we just talked and kissed. But then we looked to see what time it was and then we had to go. So we said goodbye and went home. It doesn’t take long for me to get home. When I get home my parents aren’t home. In the morning when I got downstairs to get breakfast my mom asks if I had fun with my friends and I tell her that I did. After I’m done eating I go upstairs and finish getting ready for school. All that I can think of is that she knows. She has to know that I am still seeing Stefan that is the only reason that she would ask me that question. When I get home my mom is home and that is not normal.

“Hi sweetie.” she says to me.

“Hi mom.”

“You have been spending a lot of time with Mary lately.”

“Well I don’t really have anyone else to spend my time with, now do I! Mom I’m sorry I’m just really stressed. We are doing a project at school and it counts a lot.”

“It’s okay sweetie.” I was lying, yes there was a project at school but it didn’t count a lot. Its getting really hard for me to keep lying and I’m not sure how much longer I can keep lying.

2 weeks later

I have been lying for a long time now and its really getting tough. Lately I have been running out of excuses to tell my parents. That day when my mom asked me if I had fun with my friends I think that she knew. Now she probably really knows that Stefan and I are still together. I’m having a hard time lying and on top of that I’m also a terrible liar. I can’t do this anymore and I know that I’m going to have to do something that I really don’t want to do.

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