Chapter 1: And So It Begins

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A/N: Hello. If you are a new reader, please understand that this story took over a year to write. This being said, expect the style of the writing to change, as well as the improvement of the level of writing. Thank you for understanding! Carry on, and happy reading!


Chapter 1: And So It Begins

There was the echoing sound of a tick tick tick resonating out of one of the school's classroom clock. It was as if the clock itself was mocking the students in Room 214, a room where a particular boy was supposed to be paying attention to his Psychics teacher's lecture. His name was John Hamish Watson, an average boy in an average school with a pretty average life. He did well in school to please his parents, and avoided his sister, Harry, as much as possible. He would usually pay close attention to his lectures, but today was special. Today, John Watson was taking his first school field trip in Baskerville High ((A/N: I'm totally making this up, I have no idea if that's even a school)).

John was fairly new to the school, only being transferred from one of London's main public schools a few months ago. But, John was smart. He new almost everyone in his year, Year 10, by the end of his first week. Sure, there were a few unfamiliar faces in the crowds of the hallways, but he knew most of his classmates.

Now, why was it so important that he knew almost everyone's name? Well, as spoken before, there was going to be a very big field trip starting today for the entire class of Year 10. The students, being supervised by a handful of staff members, were going to camp out in the Northern mountains of Ireland for an entire month over the summer. That being said, today was the last day of school, and the last period of the day. The Year 10 students were all fidgeting in their chairs and had their eyes glued to their classroom clocks, including John as one of those students.

The more he stared at it, the slower it seemed to go. Mind tricks, he thought menacingly. The faster one wanted to go, the slower they seemed to be. It was all mind tricks. John sighed, reading the clock for the fourth time in a row, it seeming to stay at five before three thirty. The bell was supposed to be ringing in five minutes, but those five minutes seemed to be stretching out to five hours instead.

Well, the hell with this.

After five dreadful minutes of finger tapping and exaggerated sighs, the school's bells rang loud and clear, signaling the start to a great summer vacation, and to kick it off with an amazing trip to Ireland had John feeling more excited than he had ever been in his life. John stood up quickly, seeming to be in sync with his fellow classmates, and swung his schoolbag over his right shoulder, before dashing out of his used-to-be Physics room, and into the hall packed full with rowdy students of all four years.

He watched students group together slowly as he made his way down the hallway. Couples hugged each other goodbye, friends grouped up to make plans for the summer, others just began to walk home alone. As John continued out the double doors, feeling like he'll be walking home alone as well, he felt a light tap on his shoulder. He spun around to find his friend Mike there, giving him a warming grin.

"So, John, ready for the camping trip?" Mike asked as they continued down the school entrance's stairs and to the street. Mike was one of John's first friends when he transferred here, but neither had classes together so it was hard to communicate. It was as if they haven't seen each other at all through out the year.

"As ready as I'll ever be," John replied with a half-grin. "I still have to get home and pack a few more things."

"Ah, I see." There was a small silence until Mike had spoken up again. "Did you request a roommate at all?"

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