Chapter 10: Nobody Likes An Anderson

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Hey guys! I wanna thank you all for being so understanding about the delay. Trust me, I hate it when fan fics don't update either, so I know what you guys are feeling right now.

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Chapter 10: Nobody Likes An Anderson

Week 3 - Day 15

"So, Mycroft sent me a letter?" Sherlock asked John from the desk, staring down at the vanilla envelope in curiosity. "He must be terribly busy to send me a letter. If he can't talk, he texts. If he can't text, he sends a letter."

"Well, why don't you open it then?" John asked from the ground. He was currently cleaning up every inch of evidence possible of what happened a little while ago. He wasn't too fond of being caught, getting a phone call home, and then an early flight back to Baskerville.

Sherlock flipped the letter over one last time before ripping the top open. He reached a slender hand in and pulled out a piece of paper. It was folded in on itself, leaving two neat creases to cut the paper in three sections. Sherlock examined it for a minute before unfolding the piece of paper.

John paused from his scrubbing to look up at Sherlock, who was staring down at the paper, his eyes dashing from left to right as they scanned the writing. "What does it say?" John asked after a moment, his curiosity getting the best of him.

" 'My dear brother, I suppose you're wondering what the reason would be for writing a letter when I could clearly just come meet you or even text you,' " Sherlock began to read off to John. " 'If you are curious to know, I'm too busy with planning the upcoming competition. This is the reason I write to you now. I want you to enter yourself as a runner. You might believe that I have some reason for you to be a runner, which is true. You wouldn't believe this, but I want you to win. If you could prove to the other students that you're worth something then maybe they'll stop pestering you. Trust me, Sherlock, it'll help. That is all. Sincerely, Mycroft Holmes.' " Sherlock paused for a moment, just staring down at the paper. John waited for Sherlock to speak, until realizing that that wasn't going to happen.

"So... are you going to enter as a runner?" John asked quietly before returning to his scrubbing.

"Why would he sign his full name if I knew it was him?" Sherlock asked in an attempt to change the subject.

"Sherlock," John pestered.

Sherlock looked up at John with deadpan eyes. He sighed and then crumbled the piece of paper, tossing it into the trashcan beside the desk. "I guess I could make an exception to my brother's request."

"Wait, really?" John was a bit shocked. It wasn't like Sherlock to give in.

"Well, he was getting pretty annoying after awhile. Plus, it isn't like anyone would vote for me in the first place." Sherlock gave a lazy shrug. "Also, I know he's desperate when he starts to actually act brotherly towards me."

"Have you ever thought that Mycroft might... actually care about you?"

"Why would he-" A knock of the door cut Sherlock off. Before either of them could ask who it was, the door swung open, revealing a grouchy Anderson.

Sherlock and John exchanged shocked stares as both realized that John hadn't finished his scrubbing yet. Anderson's face slowly turned into disgust after realizing what had happened.

"Mr. Holmes, Mr. Watson," he said with a grunt as he shut the door behind him. "You both know that any sexual contact is highly against the rules, yeah?"

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