Chapter 14: Three Words

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I don't even think I have an update schedule anymore heh...

Oh, and happy New Year's everyone!

Okay yeah, here's the really overdue chapter I've been promising forever.



Chapter 14: Three Words

Week 3 - Day 17

The sun was already setting as the students of Baskerville High emptied out of the mess hall with little to no organization. John and Sherlock's group walked together towards their cabins, all chattering away about tomorrow's plans. They were all excited about spending a day in the forest; making a fire, having s'mores, setting up tents. It was an experience that they all were looking forward to.

Once they had reached their cabins and entered it, both Mrs. Hudson and Anderson told the group -Mrs. Hudson with the girls, Anderson with the boys- to pack up since they planned to leave early tomorrow. They all greatly accepted the order, and went to their respected rooms to grab their things.

"So what are you packing?" John asked from his bed to the top one that Sherlock was currently on. The mattress squeaked about as Sherlock shoved something into his duffel bag.

"Just some necessary equipment," he replied bluntly. He wasn't really ever good with small talk.

"Yeah, that narrows it down. Thanks," John said sarcastically.

"Your welcome, John," was Sherlock's response. John could just see Sherlock smirking, even if he wasn't quite looking at him. But it still slightly pissed him off, even if Sherlock was kidding. It was the kind of anger someone would get when a friend would playfully annoy the shit out of them. It was the kind of anger you'd get when someone tried to get under your skin.

John snorted, and tried not to grin as he threw an extra shirt into his own duffel bag. "Wow, I must be honored to be welcomed by the almighty Sherlock Holmes."

"Oh, you definitely should. I hear this Sherlock Holmes is quite extraordinary."

"Is that so?"

"Quite so." John could tell by the strain in Sherlock's voice that he was trying not to laugh.

A brilliant idea then popped into John's head. He started to slowly get off his bed in an attempt to not make any noise. As he did so he grabbed a pillow.

"I bet he must be quite the charmer too," John said in fake curiosity.

"Correct again." Sherlock replied, still unaware that John was already behind him, his hands coming over his head with the pillow, prepping for a strike. John licked his lips has he concentrated on the back of Sherlock's head.

"There is this one rumor I heard though," John continued the conversation, edging up the ladder cautiously.

"What rumor would that be?"

As soon as Sherlock finished his question, there came a whiffing sound from behind him, then a loud thud as John's pillow whacked Sherlock's head. Poor Sherlock was so surprised that he didn't even have time to turn around before he took another blow from the pillow. By the time he was facing John, John had already climbed halfway up the ladder. John had then made a daring leap of faith onto the bed, pushing Sherlock to lay underneath him. Their faces were nearly inches away from one another, and the only thing that separated their torsos from touching was the pillow John was previously using as a weapon. The proximity of their lips made Sherlock blush slightly.

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