Chapter 2: Meeting the Group

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Chapter 2: Meeting the Group

By the time the buses had reached the airport, it was complete chaos amongst the students. John assumed it was because everyone had been looking forward to this trip for the entire year, if not longer than that. John was the first to notice that Mr. Holmes had climbed into the bus and stood at the front, as the rest of the students slowly realized as well. The sound died down from the front to the back of the bus. Mr. Holmes tapped the end of his umbrella on the ground to get the back to stop talking. Once all eyes were on him, he plastered on a fake smile.

"We've arrived at the airport," he started, continuing to grin at everyone. "But before we get off I need to go over a few things. Now, once you get off I would like you to please get together with your assigned group and supervisors. Once that is situated, we'll be heading off to get your bags checked and so on. Any questions?" No one had any questions. Mr. Holmes gave a quick nod and announced, "Please get off calmly then," before stepping out of the bus himself.

As the front of the bus began to empty out, John took a second look at his group.


Irene Adler

Sally Donovan

Sherlock Holmes

Molly Hooper

Greg Lestrade

James Moriarty

John Watson

Soo Lin Yao

John didn't know any of these people, except for a few but he only know them from class or passing in the halls. How was he supposed to go to a group that contained all unfamiliar faces? John then looked up to find that the bus aisle was still backed up. Judging by the pace, he still had time to look up his supervisors. John quickly scanned for the names.


Mr. Anderson

Mrs. Hudson

Mr. Anderson was unfamiliar to him, but Mrs. Hudson was the school nurse, which he has seen once when he had to walk a girl down to the nurse's office after she was hit in the face with a football during P.E. She was a kind woman, so he had no problem having her as a supervisor. but then again, she was probably taking care of the girls in their cabin. That would make the most sense.

John stood up and waited patiently for the rest of the students in front of his seat to move up so he could squeeze himself into the aisle. It took a total of ten minutes to get off the bus and into the much more roomy, and air conditioned, airport foyer. There John scanned the area for Mrs. Hudson. He quickly spotted her, and started to walk over to her.

Mrs. Hudson was a scrawny old woman, who seemed fragile but really was quite strong. She had short sand-colored hair, and a pair of soft brown eyes.

As he got closer he noticed an unappealing man with greased back, black hair and pale skin standing beside Mrs. Hudson. John assumed that the man must've been Mr. Anderson, the other supervisor. His face was masked with an emotion between annoyance and boredom. He wore a pair of dress pants, a white button-down top, and black dress shoes. The entire outfit seemed uncomfortable and definitely unsuitable for camping, even if he was a teacher.

"- which personally, I can't even stand him," John heard Mr. Anderson say in distaste to Mrs. Hudson, who just stared at him with sadness in her eyes.

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