Chapter 13: Guess Who's Back

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Chapter 13: Guess Who's Back

Week 3 - Day 17

 John walked out and into the broad day light. The sun caught his eyes and he shielded them, blinking until his eyes adjusted to the brightness. He started to head to the field, not really considering that he was probably late. He dragged his feet along the rocks of the crafted road, and the pebbles rolled about underneath him.

By the time John had reached the field, he found his group already running about. They all had their eyes glued on a rubber ball that was in midair, and it had just began to increase momentum as it started toward the ground. Soo Lin ran underneath it and tripped, letting it land on her head before bouncing away. A few laughed as Greg ran to get the misapplied ball.

But, John didn't pay too much attention to them. His mind wandered elsewhere and back to that night in this very field. He looked down at the grass that surrounded his shins and ankles. For some reason, the absence of the fireflies made the field uncomfortable and dry. His gaze then returned to his group and he trudged on. The grass seemed to slice at his legs.

Once John had arrived, Greg was already back with the ball. He looked at John and grinned. " 'Bout time you showed up," he said, avoiding the fact that Sherlock hadn't come. "Why don't you join Molly's team and we'll get started."

"Sounds good," John replied in with a faked tone of happiness. He was honestly not in the mood for a game of kickball, but he needed to give his mind a break from worrying about Sherlock. Because, to his surprise, Sherlock wasn't as resilient as expected by him.

John walked into the field and near third base, where Molly was standing on the plate. It was just a flat circular piece of rubber, John assuming it was rented from the camp. He and Molly exchange slight grins before giving their attention to the red, rubber ball that Jim was about to pitch to Irene.

"Hurry the fuck up!" Jim yelled, maybe too loudly since Anderson made a sort of snorting noise where he stood in the shade.

"Hold on," Irene said, her voice strained.

She was bent in, her wavy hair falling toward the ground. She brought a hair tie up to her scalp and began to loop her hair through it. She did this a few times, before taking a second hair tie out. She twisted her hair and then swung it to circle around the original hair tie, before pulling the second one over the ball of hair, twisting it, and pulling it back over. She then straightened herself out, revealing a messy -the good kind of messy- bun  that stood near the top of her head.

"Okay, ready," she exclaimed, facing towards Jim as he swung his arm back.

Jim then threw the ball, and it flew for just an underhand toss. But Irene was fast, and she leaned back and kicked her leg back then forward. The edge of her foot made contact with the ball with a loud smack. Everyone watched in awe as it flew way over their heads and past them, into the nearby forestry.

"How in the hell..." John's voice drifted away as his eyes dashed from Irene, to the forest, and then back.

All eyes landed on Irene, and she just stared back at the astonished faces with an innocent face of her own. "What? Didn't think I could kick a silly ol' ball?" she teased them, the edges of her mouth turning up ever so slightly.

Everyone seemed to sigh at her remark, but before anyone could reply with a testy comeback, they noticed Anderson approaching. Even at his current distance you could still see the anger in his eyes. "You children better get that ball back! Just because it isn't yours doesn't mean you can just go willy nilly and kick it into the forest. If anything, you lot should be more careful with it!" he began to yell as he stomped toward them.

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