Chapter 9: A Day In the Rain

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Warning: Contains moderate porn.

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Chapter 9: A Day In the Rain

Week 2 - Day 14

John and Sherlock were walking back to their cabin, as if nothing had happened a few minutes ago. They walked in silence, the only noise to be heard being the multiple crickets that hid in the brush of the forest.

It didn't take much time to reach their respected cabin. As they approached the door, Sally had slid out of it. Her eyes caught the sight of them, making them widen and fill up with utter shock.

Sally licked her lips nervously and forced on a fake grin. "Sherlock, John," she greeted. "I... uhm--"

"Why are you here." The question came out as more of a demand than anything. Sherlock stared at her, his face covered in his mysterious mask. "You said you'd be in your own cabin."

"I..." She paused for a moment, then sighed. "Look, I just came to fetch something I left when we were all here hanging out a couple days back. Nothing to worry about." She then pushed past them, shoulders bumping, and went down the steps. She quickly crossed the gravel road and disappeared into her own cabin.

"Well... that was weird," John said after a moment.

"Yes, indeed. She smelled rather... different." Sherlock chuckled darkly to himself and then walked inside. John scowled and thought for a moment, before entering the cabin as well. What the hell was he on about?

Week 3 - Day 15

It was Sunday. A brand new day to a brand new week. It was a stormy day in Blue Stack Mountains, hence, everyone was cooped up in their rooms doing as they pleased. John was, as usual, reading his summer reading book, and Sherlock was borrowing John's laptop for who knows what.

"What are you even doing with my laptop?" John called up to Sherlock. The two were lounging in their beds at the time being. John received a small grunt. "You better not be looking up porn."

"John, please. I'm not you." John could picture Sherlock's mouth twitching up into his stupid smirk.

"Oh ha ha. Very funny," John replied with much sarcasm.

"It's simply some necessary research that needed to be taken care of."

"Necessary? For what?" John was extremely skeptical every time Sherlock was being vague. You never know what he's implying when he speaks.

"Oh, don't worry. You'll find out soon. Now if you'll excuse me, I have some errands to run."

John was about to question him, but Sherlock had already hopped down from the top bunk and headed out the door, closing it behind him in one swift move. His eyebrows furrowed together as he took a moment to think. What was so important that Sherlock would have to head out in a storm like this?

After a moment's thought, John went to grab his computer from Sherlock's bed and quickly went to the web history. It was completely wiped out. Damn it. Of course, Sherlock would make sure there was no way John would find out. With a roll of his eyes, John shut the laptop and then put it onto the desk.

John went back to his bed, getting himself comfortable. He then opened his book back up and continued reading. Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. John called a quick, "come in," and soon Greg was in the room wearing a face of utter confusion.

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