Chapter 3: Camp O'Dowd

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Okay so I just wanna get this straight just in case...

I've NEVER been to Ireland and the camp coming up is totally made up, so a bunch of stuff may be a bit inaccurate. I tried doing some research but... well I got bored heh heh //shot

But if you happen to live in Ireland or have been there, don't be afraid to correct me I want to make this as accurate as possible!

Okay! Back to the story...

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Chapter 3: Camp O'Dowd

There was an awkward, and fairly long plane trip to Donegal, Ireland. It consisted John hiding under his book while Sherlock, who was on his right, complained about Mr. Anderson while Mr. Anderson was the one sitting to the left of John. If looks could kill, well, let's just say Sherlock would've been dead awhile ago.

As soon as John got out of the airport along with the rest of his group, he could feel there was something different about Donegal. Well, they were after all thousands of miles away from home, but there was just a feeling John had in the pit of his stomach, like something big was going to happen in the next few weeks.

The students once again boarded another bus line and made their way to Camp O'Dowd, the camp where they'll be staying at for the next month. Mr. Holmes made another instructional speech, but no one was really listening. Everyone was too busy looking at their surroundings.

There was a road leaving to the cabins, where every single one looked identical next to one another. Another road led to the mess hall and other faculty buildings. There was then another road that lead to a large open field. One last road then lead to a large lake, it's water glimmering on the horizon as the sun began to set on the long day. All the roads were then attached to one big circle, which was where the buses were parked and the students were currently gathered.

As Mr. Holmes continued to speak, not really caring anymore if the students were listening or not, John stared down at his pair of trainers, before kicking a small rock that was part of the gravel road. He was zoned off once again in a trance-like state, his mind too busy thinking about the upcoming events. He had butterflies in his stomach, like a little kid would have on their first trip to Disneyland.

There was then a tug on his sleeve, making him look up in a faze. Mrs. Hudson gave him a quick smile before saying, "C'mon, we're heading for the cabins." John blinked a few times as he processed what she said before following the rest of his group.

They made their way to two cabins, one on the left side of the road while the other sat at the right. The boys were assigned to stay in the right cabins while the girls were assigned the left ones. Simple enough. As Mrs. Hudson showed Irene, Soo Lin, Molly, and Sally to their cabins, Mr. Anderson showed John, Greg, Jim, and Sherlock to theirs, his face seeming to still be irritated since the beginning of the trip.

John was eager to see what the inside looked like. As he stepped in he found a small living space, including wooden furniture and a small square telly. There was a quilt that lay underneath the wooden coffee table, it serving as the only carpeting in the wood floored room.

There was then a hallway with four doors, the boys soon finding out that one was the bathroom, two the rooms for the boys, and the last door being Mr. Anderson's room, where he quickly went inside and didn't go out of for the rest of the night.

The two rooms were exactly identical, so there was no problem with who got what room. Though, Greg and Jim both wanted the top bunk, and after awhile they decided to play fair and square and do rock, papers, scissors. Best out of three. Long story short, Jim got top bunk.

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