Chapter 11: The Remorseful Runner

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Chapter 11: The Remorseful Runner

Week 3 - Day 16

 John, Sherlock, and the rest of their group sat around their assigned table, chewing down on dry meat and tasteless vegetables. Sherlock was the only one who wasn't eating, like usual. He sat with his head propped up with one hand whilst his other hand utilized his fork by stirring the vegetables about in unorganized circles. He was also the only who stayed quiet as the others friendly chatted to one another, but then again, this was normal for him as well.

With all of this, John still didn't understand why Sherlock's behavior was bothering him. He seemed normal enough, but it was as if something was off about him. John just couldn't put his finger on it. Maybe it was the way his imperturbable expression seemed as though there was a hint of apprehension splattered onto it.

John continued to take minimal glances to Sherlock, trying to deduce the deducer himself. And with every concealed look, John was almost positive Sherlock knew exactly what John was trying to decipher. But still, Sherlock's fork spun round and round, his face never leaving the plate.

The only moment Sherlock went to lift his head was when the mess hall's lights flickered several times. His eyes spotted Mycroft preparing himself for another speech, before placing his eyes back onto his plate and continuing his circling. John watched Sherlock for a brief moment before giving his attention to Mycroft, who spoke up in his usual, intellectual voice.

"Good afternoon, everyone. As you are aware, our camping trip is slowly drawing to a close. This being said, we're going to be asking you all to come up to the front, table by table, to see who is going to represent your team for the competition." Mycroft then paused for a brief moment to direct a hand to a table set up with numerous clipboards, all color-coded along with the four team colors.

"This is where you will look at the names. There will be a single runner-up for each activity in case the main representative has a conflict. Are there any questions?"

There were no questions.

The first tables to go up were the red-shirted students, and by the way they were being called up, it seemed like it would be awhile until John and Sherlock's table would be called up themselves. Their group began to aimlessly chat like previously, giving the chance for John to talk to Sherlock.

"Is something the matter?" John asked in a mellowed tone so no one could overhear.

Sherlock simply shrugged, before replying. "You'll find out in around thirty-two and a half minutes."

"Why so specific?"

"Well, there are twenty-four tables in the cafeteria, and each table takes approximately one and a half minutes to arrive at the tables and take a long look at the names. Judging by the pattern the tables are being called up, they would begin calling our row last. Now, if we do the simple math of--"

"Alright I've heard enough."

But as usual, Sherlock was right about everything. Their specific table got its turn precisely after thirty-two and a half minutes had passed. They all rose from their chairs and headed to the table set up, where there were hanging clipboards that listed who was representing for what. John took a moment to read the "winners," and as he did his eyes rested on the yellow team's runner names. He mouthed a small, "oh," as Sherlock nodded softly.

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