Epilogue/After Note/Special Thanks

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EDIT: Hello! I just wanted all of you lovely readers to know that there is a sequel to this story. It is called Exmates, which takes place seven years after this story. I don't want to spoil too much, but let's just say they see each other at their high school reunion and everything changes. Anywho, enjoy the rest of this and have a fantastic day~



Months Later

It's not like he's broken or delusional or insane, but at that very moment John felt like he was.

John sits on his porch steps, lazily watching the rugged looking men carry his mattress to the end of the curb where a moving truck is standing, it's engine still running for no reason. The running engine has been bothering him for some time, but when he spots someone standing at the other end of his walkway, he seems to forget the running engine and the rugged men and his mattress. His mind goes blank.

He watches in silence as Sherlock, hands tucked into the pockets of a thickly weaved trench coat, walks slowly to John. And even when he dodges a couch, Sherlock still keeps a serene look on his face. John didn't notice that he was standing up until Sherlock is merely a foot away from him.

"John," Sherlock greets, his bottom lip partly covered by a blue striped scarf.

"Sherlock," John mumbles back. "I didn't expect you would be here."

"I was in the neighborhood and thought I'd drop by."

John knows he's lying, because Sherlock's not like that. Sherlock always plans every action out. It's not like him to just show up if there wasn't a reason behind it beforehand.

"Are you here because of the truck?" John asks quietly, shying a glance up to Sherlock's eyes. His gaze is soft and soothing to look at.

A few seconds pass.


Another few seconds.

"I'm sorry." The words fall out John's mouth before he could even process it.

"Why are you apologizing?" Sherlock asks, a little taken aback.

"Because I'm an idiot that fell in love with you. Because I called it off. Because my parents are making me move and transfer schools." Because we'll never see each other again. John stops himself from saying the last part.

Sherlock sighs, his eyebrows making a crease on his porcelain skin. "I'm sorry too." He tries to smile, but it comes out sadder than he meant it to be.

For a moment John just stares at him, taking in every part of him. Every crease. Every dip. Every delicate line. He soaks Sherlock up like a sponge, just taking in everything he could. Because this might be the last time he'll ever see him. John tries to push the reason why away.

"I still love you," Sherlock says suddenly, as if a last attempt to win him back.

"I know," John answers weakly. I still love you too. John doesn't dare continue his thoughts.

Sherlock's eyebrows then shoot up, like he just remembered something. He digs a hand deeper into his pocket before pulling out something in his fist. "I want you to have this," Sherlock mutters, unraveling his fingers to reveal a small, crinkled up piece of paper. "It's my number," Sherlock explains, as if John's confusion somehow traveled to his face.

John knows that he probably shouldn't take it, but he can't help himself. He reaches a small hand to the paper, picking it up gingerly from Sherlock's grasp, before flattening it out. The numbers look like they were jotted down quickly, like this entire ordeal was a last second idea that popped into Sherlock's mind.

"I know it's not much," Sherlock starts. "But let's at least keep in touch." When John doesn't respond, Sherlock smiles the same fake smile Mycroft always has. "Just keep it in mind."

Sherlock begins to walk away, but John catches him halfway down the walkway. "Sherlock, wait."

Sherlock turns around halfway, his head looking over his shoulder. His eyebrows are raised in expectancy, waiting for John to speak.

"Good luck." It seems like that is all John can think of to say to him. "And... I know it's not much," John continues. There's a small smile forming on his lips. "But I'll keep in touch." He holds the piece of paper up a little, as if showcasing it to Sherlock.

Sherlock's face brightens, and John wants to kiss him right then and there. But he doesn't. Because he can't. Not now. Not after everything they went through. Instead he just smiles, watching Sherlock leave. Every step his smile disappears more and more. He glances back down at the number in his hand.

And he smiles again.

After Note

Cabinmates originally popped into my head last summer when one of my friends told me about one of her summer camp experiences. All events, however are fictuous. So no. My friend did not have gay sex in a tent. Oh well.

Some things were inspired by my many camping trips into the Catskill Mountains. The field was from a campsite I once went to when I was young, where I chased fireflies with my sisters. I wish I remembered where it was exactly... but oh well. I'm stupid. The log cabin was also inspired by a log cabin I stayed in at a Disney World campsite once. (And by the way, I got top bunk heuheuheuheu).

So basically, these events (except the sex things because I'm hopelessly single) were inspired by my life and I give credit to planet Earth for the creation of Camp O'Dowd in my head.

Special Thanks

Cabinmates was the first fan fic (or story for that matter) that I ever took completely seriously and actually finished. The year and a half long journey since chapter one and this epilogue has been a real roller coaster and I would've never wanted it any other way.

Whether you were here when I uploaded Chapter 1, or just joining when the book is already completed, I can't thank you enough. All of your love and support is what keeps me going and continue writing.

I also want to thank those readers that were originally on Tumblr. It means the world for you guys to have checked this out, even making accounts, just to support me. Even though this is Johnlock and I'm a Supernatural blog. Like hell yeah multifandomers.

A special thanks to my home bro Kate for supporting me and continuing to support me both in real life and online. You were a big help buddy, especially when you proof read that one chapter because you actually wanted to and I'm lazy. I remember how scared I was when you discovered this thing, but now I can't imagine being able to have finished this without you. As always, no homo, but I love you. 

Also a special thanks to Phoebe (@forensic_artist) for being just an overall perfect human being that I got to meet and have grown to love as I wrote this. I've really enjoyed every time we ever had a small chat or exchanged a comment or two. You're really cool and awesome and I was lucky to become friends with you this year.

And thank you to my family for the love and support of letting me pursue my dreams of being a writer. And yeah okay, they never have (nor will) read this, but I still love them. Whenever I tell them "I have so-and-so reads on my story now!" they always congratulate me (even though they think it's an original work but shh don't tell them it's not).

Okay, that's all. So, for the last time ever on this story, have an amazing day. Live a little. Love a lottle. Continue being awesome guys. I love you all with the bottom of my two hearts (Oh oops wrong fandom).

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