Chapter 4: Sherlock Holmes Is A Dick

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Chapter 4:

Week 1 - Day 5

For the first time this week, it rained. John awoke with the sound of the quickly falling rain pelting against the glass of the window. It wasn't just an average drizzle either, it was down pouring, along with thunder and lightening. Because of this the camp closed all activities for the day, making it the students' very first free day.

So, as the rain fell onto the cabins like bricks, John's group decided to stay indoors. More specifically, in the girls' cabin. Their cabin was exactly identical to theirs, the only difference being that a grouchy troll didn't live in the back room of the cabin. Luckily, Anderson decided to stay behind, saying that he, "Had work to do."

This left all the boys and girls sprawled out in the little living area in the girls' cabin. Mrs. Hudson gave them some privacy, and went to do her own things in her room. They spent most of the morning watching television, until there was a knock at the door. There was a staff member at the other end of the door, that staff member handing them the information about the competition coming at the end of the month.

"This is total bull shit," Sally said, reading it over for the second time. "I mean, biking, swimming, running, canoeing-- are you guys even listening?" She glared  at everyone who had their eyes glued to the television, even Sherlock. There was then a chorus of grunts, before it was silence once again.

"No but seriously. Why are we even doing this race? Is there really a point behind it?" Sally continued, pressing on.

"It's for fun," Sherlock replied calmly. "But then again, you don't know what fun is, do you?" There was then a large amount of joking Ooo's from everyone else, making Sally pout in displeasure.

"Oh ha ha. Very funny," she replied, her voice drenched with sarcasm. "Like you know what fun is, Spock." Once again, another chorus of Ooo's. As John chuckled he turned to look at Sherlock, who's face seemed to flicker with embarrassment, but was quickly hidden behind his deadpan expression. That was enough for John to step in though.

"Hey," John started, grabbing the remote and turning off the television as he spoke. "Why don't we play card games or something?"

Everyone agreed to this new idea, and quickly everyone sat in a circle and began dealing cards. There was a small debate on what game to play, but then it was decided that they would play Egyptian Ratscrew.

Egyptian Ratscrew was a game where everyone threw in cards to the middle of the circle, the object of the game being to collect all the cards. The face cards made the next person throw in even more cards, trying to get another face card. If they didn't, the person who threw the original face card got the entire pile. You could also slap your hand onto the pile when there was a double of the same cards, or a sandwich pattern.

As you could imagine, the card game consisted of much violence and stabs of fingernails to hands. But in the end, it was always a good game to play.

It wasn't long before everyone, except Jim and Molly, had lost their cards. The fun thing though, was that anyone could slap back into the game. All eyes were glued onto the stack of cards as Molly and Jim took turns throwing in cards. John concentrated greatly, searching for any sign of a sandwich pattern or double.

Then there was a double of eight. All hands went flying for the stack, and as they did John felt his hand touch the cards first. He kept his hand there, and as the hands at the top slowly dispersed there were two hands left at the bottom. Sherlock and John's.

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