Chapter 6: A Spark Begins the Fire

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Chapter 6: A Spark Begins the Fire

Week 2 - Day 10

It was morning. The alarm that was set for six just went off, making John pull the covers over himself with a groan. He half expected Sherlock to turn the alarm off and pull his covers off, but the alarm kept shrieking until John was "forced" to get up.

"Sherlock, we have to get up," John said as he reset the alarm.

There was a groan of protest, making John sigh. He then climbed halfway up the ladder. He found Sherlock completely under his covers, all except a tuft of his brown hair. John then yanked the covers off of Sherlock.

Sherlock cracked an eye open to give a glare at John, before taking his pillow and putting it over his head. "No..." he mumbled. "Five more minutes."

"Don't be such a baby, c'mon." John climbed down the ladder and headed over to the dresser to grab his clothes.

Sherlock huffed and sat up. His hair was completely pressed down on one side of his head. "Well you weren't the one who got pushed down a fucking mountain while we were hiking."

"I already told you, it was an accident. And don't over exaggerate. You only tumbled down three feet."

"Doesn't mean I'm not aching."

"Oh come on, Sherlock, you're being--" John was quickly abrupted by a knock on the door. John and Sherlock eyed the door and then exchanged unsteady glances. "Come in?"

The door swung open, revealing Mr. Holmes. "Sherlock, John."

John was thrown off a bit. "M-Mr. Holmes. Wha--"

"Please, John, call me Mycroft. A friend of my brother's is a friend of mine." Mycroft then gave him a half-grin. He then turned to Sherlock, who was still sitting on his bed with horrendous bed hair. "I always did like your bed hair."

"Why are you here," Sherlock asked darkly. He glared at Mycroft intensely. John kept darting his eyes back and forth from them.

"You know why. I'm wondering if you considered my offer."

"I already said no."

John licked his lips nervously before asking, "Wait. What offer?"

Mycroft turned and gave his signature grin to John. "I asked my dear brother if he would nominate himself for being runner of the upcoming competition. He was always one for... leg work."

"Yes, and I already told you to get someone else to do it," Sherlock butted in, making John and Mycroft turn to him. His cold, glaring eyes were still glued at Mycroft. "Now get out."

For a moment there was silence. The tension between Sherlock and Mycroft was so intense even John could feel the uncomfortableness. Mycroft then spoke.

"Yes. I suppose you both need to get ready... I'll be off now." Mycroft then turned and walked out the door, shutting it behind him.

"Wait... he's your brother?" John asked suddenly, scowling at Sherlock who was beginning to climb down the bunk bed's ladder.

"John, I knew you were an idiot, but even that was obvious enough for you to figure out."

Oh. Oh. Well, okay. Sherlock is related to the assistant principal. Okay.

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