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We were all sitting in a van tailing on the men who Ms. Polin had been talking with. Clearly he looked suspicious and she wasn't telling us anything.

I was quiet during the whole journey. Austin was driving so he was focused on the car in front of us. Peyton was talking to Jamie, planning on our safest route without getting caught.

I was lost. I felt as if something was wrong with me. One thing I knew for sure: those men knew my aunt and uncle. I couldn't say anything though, Tay would die and so would the rest if my friends.

The men stopped at a gas station where we decided to incapacitate them. Me and Austin went into the station and quickly took the two burly men out (it helps to know we are trained in 15 different types of fighting styles). We snuck them out through the back door where the van was waiting for us. The other van where those men had came from was attached to ours. Me and Austin jumped into that van with the men while Peyton drove in the other.

Peyton drove us to a safehouse in a neighbouring city. Once we walked in, we ransacked the place and took refugee.

We decided that before the men woke up, we would devise a plan with Jamie.

"I suggest a DNA scan first" Jamie said

"It would help us identify who they are" Austin said

Jamie scanned the face of the biggest guy, he was clearly the leader.

"Oh my god, what's Alli's father's name?"

"Richard" Austin said

"Does Alli resemble him?"

"No she looks like her mom"

"Well this 'Richard' isn't her father"


"Her father is Bruce Lloyd according to his files"

"What's his record like?" Peyton asked "cross reference his and Mrs Polin's records and see if there's a matching time and place in their travel history"

"I can't. Mrs Polin has Level 5 security on her file, it would take me days to hack."

"Okay, see which organization he works for and we'll head there" I said

"He works for a Russian Mafia called the "Последний тени"

"Not all of us can speak Russian, dude" I said rolling my eyes. What? I took French and Italian instead

"It means Last Shadows, stupid" Peyton said

"I suggest you guys head to Russia. I'll get an off the grid agent to contact you to hunt the Last Shadows where you can find more about Alli's father" Jamie said

"Book the flights and we'll head for a safe house to get some money" Austin said

"I'll interrogate them and send them to headquarters. Maybe they're wanted" I said. I needed to talk to them privately. Who knows what they might know about me?

I headed to the back of the van where they were just about to wake up. They looked familiar but I couldn't put my finger on where I'd seen them.

"Who are- oh, it's the pretty boy Vanessa and Joel talk about" Bruce taunted. I slapped them

"I'm not here to talk about them, what do you want?" I said

He laughed at me "right now kid, I should be calling the shots, I know all about your rogue missions" he sneered

"That doesn't mean a thing"

"Oh yea, what about when your girlfriend finds out? I don't think she'll want to date a criminal. Or what about when CIA or FBI find out? You'll be spending all your time rotting behind bars."

"And when I'm done with you, you'll be the same"

"Oh yea and your girlfriend? I don't think she'll even get to know" he said

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"That was the easiest trap I ever set"

"Shit. Peyton contact Jamie and see if he can get a hold of the girls" I yelled out to Peyton as I walked away from Bruce until I turned around to say something. "Oh and one more thing Bruce, you sent your own daughter to her deathbed too"

As I walked away, I could hear him yelling and cursing at me. I smiled, he won't be the one in jail, not if I can help it.

"What happened back there?" Peyton asked

"He gave me nothing. Can I kill him?" I grumbled

"No, he's vital to this mission so deal with it"

"Guys, I got a response from all the girls except one" Jamie's voice ringing in my ear

"Which one?" I asked


Shit. Shit. Shit. I could see Peyton struggling to keep his composure.

"Where are they?" he growled

"At CIA Headquarters"

"Guys, we're taking a detour to Virginia. Jamie get us a private plane to Virginia and another to Florida." Peyton tapped his phone.

He texted all of us: We need to throw ourselves off those buffoon's boss's trail. They'll think we'll be headed there instead.

At that moment we reached a safe house. We unloaded the truck and sent it in the safe house. Someone'll pick it up soon. The buffoons were sent to CIA via a pod linked directly to headquarters. We got all of the money and passports we needed and were headed in another pod to the city airport.

"Look guys, I can't keep in touch with you throughout the travels so if anything goes wrong, there are homing beacons on each earpiece. Once they are destroyed, they'll send a GPS signal to me and Cray. Just... just be careful guys"

"We will and tell us everything that goes on at school" I said

"Will do" and Jamie cut off the signal.

We headed to the airport via the pod and made it in time for our flight. Once boarding on the plane, we all were very on edge, searching for anyone who may seem suspicious.

I sat next to a lady who looked like she was going on a business trip. She looked at me and smiled, "What brings you to Virginia young man?"

"I live there, ma'am" I lied smoothly

"Ah, my daughter lives there. She goes to a prestigious school and I haven't seen her in years. Hopefully I'll see her in the next couple of days and surprise her after my work is done" She went on and on about her life while I was trying to get a hold of CIA on my laptop.

The woman beside me finally passed out after babbling and I got some peace and quiet.

We landed and headed straight for the

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2017 ⏰

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