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I have secrets like everyone else. The only thing is that my secrets can cost me my life. I was born on the most auspicious day a spy can be born on. I'm the target everyone wants.

Yea, spies can be auspicious. If you study history, then you know that history always repeats itself. It's the same for spies. The ups and downs (ups and downs are the high points in a spy's career) of a spy family are in patterns and unfortunately I am part of the pattern. My family only had one failure and there has always only been one. Unfortunately, I was the one expected to be the failure but I was born on the 28th of Feb, the day the CIA rise to power. It's a great honor and they say that if you were born that way, you were destined for great things. This is why everyone wants me; because I have a big decision that could change the CIA forever. I was apparently an hero and failure all wrapped in one which is very unique for a person let alone a spy.

Anyways, My day starts at 5 minutes before the end of breakfast. I woke up in the most messiest room a spy can have, clothes in a pile at one side, wrappers in another and makeup disorganized like shit. I quickly changed in my uniform and brushed my teeth and put my makeup on sloppily. After a year of dating (in my opinion) the hottest guy in school I can survive looking like an idiot in front of him. I got a knock from my door and I went and opened it.

"Hey beautiful" Jamie said with a red rose in his hand

"Jamie, it's beautiful" I screamed

I saw Sabi peep out her room with the utmost silence and her eyes went wide. She closed the door, probably to tell Haven. Jamie put his arm around me and we walked for breakfast. We saw the rest of our group plus school gossip girl Tina leaving for class. I saw Peyton give a crooked smile at us when he left. He looked pretty sad which is really weird since he's the most optimistic person ever.

"Hellooo, My peeps" I said to everyone. They were too busy with Tina. Jamie saw this and kissed me to make me feel better. I love to be the center of attention but I still care for my friends.

Tina was talking about Haven and Peyton. They would be the cutest couple ever. Since me and Jamie have a scientific schedule which means that we are doing the science stuff so we'll be cracking codes and hacking computers. Science students have an earlier schedule than Field students and Fighting students since we have more to do than them.

We got to the Chemistry Wing when we saw Ali's mom who's the headmistress in our school. She called me and we headed to her office. Jamie gave me a trail of kisses from my jaw to my cheek and said he'll save me a spot in Bombs 101 which is a class about how to make bombs and disable them too.

So Ali's mom, Mrs. Polin wanted to see me. We walked in her office and she told me to sit down. I sat down in the chair that probably has Taylin's signature all over it. She's the biggest troublemaker ever. Anyways Mrs. Polin put the blinds down and locked the door. I wasn't scared at all though. This is normal for us. But when Mrs Polin gives you a Timtam, you're screwed. I was given a Timtam...

"Christianna, I got a call from Interpol yesterday" she said in her thick Aussie accent

"What was it about? My parents? My sister?" I gulped "My brother?"

"Yes, my dear"

"What is it?"

"Your sister called me, your parents missed a call-in and we believe that they may be with your brother"

I had tears in my eyes. My brother was the threat I was dreading. He was a part of the top anti - CIA organization. In fact by now, he could even be the director. We learn about them and no one knows that my brother is in it, heck no one knows I have a brother even he doesn't know I exist.

"Dear, this is what we train you kids for. Don't panic, agents all around the world will find them"

"Even my sister?"

"No, we won't risk her. She was dying to go but we told her that next to you, she would be the next target"

"Then where is she?"

"I don't know. Only top agents in Interpol know"

I was so close to just bawling my eyes out. My whole family almost seemed shattered. I just lost my parents, maybe forever and my sister is MIA. Mrs Polin let me stay in her office for a couple of hours for me to let it out of my system.

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