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My life has taken a toll for the worse. You know the saying "keep your friends close but your enemies closer" ? That's my life except my friends are my enemies.

I woke up next to my girlfriend Taylin. She's honestly the most amazing girl anyone could ask for, daring, beautiful, very devilish and can be a guy at the same time. We've been dating for 8 months but have known each other for years. I'm not going to even tell you how we got together, it was one hell of a ride. She and me were complete enemies before.

Tay actually woke me up when she got up. My arm was around her waist and I have to admit, I was in the moment but the minute she wakes up or moves, I'll either tighten my grip or wake up. She's the smallest girl in the P&D field in our class so I really protect her from everything including myself, which frankly hasn't been working out. Look where we ended up today.

"Tay, where are you going?"I mumbled, half asleep.

"Sanders, there's something we do 5 days a week. It's called school!"

"Hey, is something wrong?" I said softly. After last night, I'd thought she'd be sore and be pissed off.

"No, I don't but we need to hurry up, c'mon" she said running into the bathroom. I slowly closed my eyes and fell back asleep.

Next thing I know Tay hits me with a pillow, telling me to wake up. God, she can be hell at times. I finally got up and got ready. I went in the bathroom and fixed my bedhead hair. Tay says I look like that guy in her favorite band: One Direction, when I wake up. I took a shower and put on my trousers. I left my button-up shirt in the room. When I walked out, I saw Tay looking at me. I chuckled and thought "she loves my six pack". I grabbed her around the waist and started kissing her neck.

"You love my six pack, don't you?" I said

"Uh duh" She replied. She was in a state of total bliss.

"C'mon we don't want to be late. Let me change first, kay sweetie?"


By then we were back on my bed. I got off of her and got myself ready. I grabbed her hand and we ran downstairs. Everyone was looking at us. I guess our hickeys couldn't be covered. I saw my best friend and dorm mate Peyton all alone with a sad face. I thought "well, that's a first". Peyton's never sad.

Me and Tay got our food and sat down. I tried to cheer Peyton up by making some small talk. I felt bad for Tay though. She was so lost while me and Peyton were talking. In fact, me and Peyton got so lost in our conversation, I didn't notice my friend Alli coming. Behind her, I saw my other dorm mate Austin coming. Then I saw Tay's best friend Cray and her boyfriend Jamie coming along with Tina, Cray's enemy.

I noticed Cray's loud voice but I was too busy giving Tina a look. Tina, she's a bit nosy and she is the most rudest person on the earth. Right then, she was asking Peyton and my other best friend Haven who just arrived, if they were dating. I mean the sexual tension between the two are off the charts and according to Cray "hell, they would look so good together".

After Tina left, Jamie and Cray just dashed after scarfing down their food. Tay noticed the time and looked at me, Austin and Alli. Alli motioned us to go ahead while the rest of us just headed off to class. Me and Austin were talking about an upcoming test while Tay was being a little distant. Austin soon got a text and left me and Tay alone. I looked at her and thought about what I was doing to her. I thought "she doesn't know, I can't tell her anything" I saw her looking at me.

She asked "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, it's just final projects are coming and I don't want you to be hurt."

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