When I started this on August 14, 2015, I never thought this story would be this popular. I was really just doing it for fun, but you guys came along and made it even better. You wanted me to continue after the first preference. You loved what I wrote, and I could never stress how thankful I am for you guys.
I do have some questions:
What was your favorite chapter? I have no idea which one mine was, but I really enjoyed If I Don't Make It Back, Peanut Butter Party Time, and a lot of other ones. I hate answering these types of questions.
Who's your favorite Supernatural character? Mine would have to be either Gabriel or Castiel. I just love how clueless Cas is, and I love how humorous Gabriel. I also love how Gabriel died to save someone he cared for. I'm not happy about his "death", but why he did it is heart warming.
I have other questions I'll ask later.
I'm really thankful for all you readers who bothered to read this one. There are so many other stories you could have read, and you decided to read mine. For that, I am grateful.
I wish that I had the time to continue this story, but at this moment I don't. I may come back to this story, but I'm too busy.
I have other stories I'm writing and publishing, and some on deck. I hope you enjoy the other stories if you decide to read those.
What other fandoms are you a part of?
Mine are:
The Flash
Once Upon A Time
The 100
Doctor Who
Percy Jackson
Boy/Girl Meets World
Freaks and Geeks
Baby Daddy
Agents of S.H.E.I.L.D.
There are a lot more, but I've already put a lot.
What kind of music do you like? I know it's a weird question but......
I have a variety of music I like.
My favorite band/artist is Skillet, but I also like Twenty-one Pilots, Queen, The Beatles, Adele and more.
What was your highlight of 2015?
Mine was making it to Christmas Break. Sadly, school started up last week so...
If you are in school, how are you doing so far? I did terrible first quarter, and okay second quarter.
I really am sorry if you liked this story, but, like all things great, it has to come to an end. I have already said this, but I come back to this sooner or later so if this is in your library, please don't delete it.
A lot of you requested a lot and were always being kind when commenting, but @writerofthefandoms and @Penguin_G_ did this more than anyone else and were amazing.
Thanks to ALL of you for reading this.
I love you guys a lot.
Adios pistachios. Love y'all.