Chapter 1

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It was time for touring. We are touring across the U.S. on this turn. I've talked to John about making our tour a little more theatrical. But not necessarily with makeup. It's a bitch to put on and a bitch to take off and don't even get me started on sweating in it. Anyway I've asked John for some ideas. He talked with some people before we left on tour and came up with one I liked. The guys were alright with it.
Once we decided to have the Pyrotechnics we learned where they were placed and what placement that they go off. So we practiced to get use to them. And we did.

So we decided to use Pyrotechnics on the front of the stage for our tour. We are all pretty excited.

The first few stops on our U.S. tour went well. The fans loved the Pyrotechnics we had. We (band) were all very excited and happy with the outcome of the fans and the theatrical effect it gave us.

Little did we know we would soon regret it....

"Dude those Pyrotechnics are cool man. They are badass and the fans seem to really like it." CC.

"Yeah they are badass but you're back there CC and not up front near them. They are hot man." Jake.

"Yeah I have to agree with Jake they are hot..." Jinxx.

"Ok guys I hear your input. Hey Ash what do you think?" Andy.

"Hmm (shrugging his shoulders) it's a pretty good effect, I'm not hot up there. But I'm always cool." Ashley.

"Yeah well that's because you don't wear shirts alot of the time." Jake.

"Right." Jinxx and CC.

"Nice input Ash very colorful. You even made yourself look good in that description." Andy.

Jake, Jinxx and CC laughed.


Three tour stops later we were getting ready to go onstage. Ashley for some reason decided to wear a shirt and vest today.

Everything was going like clockwork. The band was rocking it out, the fans were screaming, the Pyrotechnics seem to be working great.

At least that's what it seemed. But we were wrong. One of the Pyrotechnics didn't go off when it was supposed to....

The band was jaming out. Ashley got close to the edge of the stage at his end thinking the Pyrotechnics at his end already went off. He was playing his bass singing backup for Goodbye Agony looking at the crowd when suddenly the Pyrotechnics went off right in front of his face...

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