Chapter 10

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Finally the baby was slowly whined. Ashley made an appointment to see Dr. Flinn.

Dr. Flinn did some tests then saw that Ashley could have the surgery. So Dr. Flinn set up Ashley's surgery for the following month.

Rayne was growing so fast. Everyone could tell that Rayne was going to be tall like his father and mother. Andy being 6foot 5inches tall and Ashley being 6foot tall. So Rayne will most likely be somewhere between that.


The time came for Ashley's surgery. Everything went well and Ashley had to stay in the hospital for two days.

A week went by and it was time to see how his vision was. So Dr. Flinn took the bandages off Ashley's eyes.

Ashley slowly opened his eyes. Ashley blinked his eyes and his vision began to clear. Ashley's surgery went well it turned out that Ashley had 93% of his vision back. Ashley got back more of his vision than he thought he would.

Ashley started playing his bass again while taking care of Rayne.

Andy helped out with Rayne and he was so happy that Ashley had his vision was back.

The months seemed to go by fast. Rayne was now nine months along and already starting to crawl.

They set up a playpen in the music room so when they had band practice Rayne was in their with them.

Rayne would get so excited when his daddy sang and he would bounce.

The guys found this so adorable. When they came over they would all play with him.

Rayne was now more verbal making alot of noises. Ashley and Andy could see him trying to talk.

One day when they had a band practice Andy had just finished singing In The End he saw Rayne smiling and bouncing. Then he heard a small voice...

"Dadda..." Rayne.

Andy got so excited. "Ashy he said Dadda." Andy ran to Rayne and picked him up. "Rayne say dadda again."

Rayne pulled on Andy's hair smiled at him looked at his mommy then back at Andy. "Dadda!"

"Oh my god he did say dadda. Oh Rayne good boy." Ashley.

"Wow! Ashley he's only what nine months old. That's early for a baby to start talking." Jinxx.

"Really?" Andy said.

They all just looked at Rayne. Then Rayne reached for Ashley. "Momma."

"Wait did he just say momma." said Ashley.

"He did." Andy. Then they both hugged Rayne. They were so excited about Rayne talking.

A week has gone by and Rayne was now trying to walk.

The guys came over to visit. Rayne walked over to CC and spoke, "CC."

CC gasped then told Andy and Ashley. "He said my name."

"What?" Andy couldn't believe it.

Then Rayne walked over to Jake and Jinxx. "Jake, Jinxx."

"Ashley, Andy he just said our names too." Jake.

Ashley picked him up. "Rayne?"

"Momma, Dadda, CC, Jake, Jinxx." He said reaching at each one of them as he said their names.

Jinxx walked over to Ashley. "Ashley he's far advanced for his age to say our names and to walk. And to know which one we are."

"What do you mean far advanced, Jinxx?" Andy asked.

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