Chapter 7

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The next morning came Andy got up went downstairs took the dogs out then fed them and his cats. Then Andy jumped in the shower. Then he decided to do some cleaning and let Ashley sleep in.

So Andy went downstairs and started cleaning. He made sure to grab the dirty clothes before going downstairs. Andy put the dirty clothes in the washing machine then started the dishes. He wanted to move the furniture but knew he couldn't because Ashley has learned where everything is. So he just straightened up and dusted sweeping and mopping. He was pulling the dishes out of the dishwasher when Ashley came downstairs.

Ashley woke up to a wave of nausea and realized Andy wasn't in the bed. Ashley quickly got out of bed then made his way to the bathroom and the toilet and started throwing up. After ten minutes of throwing up he brushed his teeth then made his way to the dresser to his side and pulled out some swear pants and t shirt. Then Ashley got dressed. (Ashley has gotten very good at moving around the house and dealing with things with his blindness.)

Ashley felt his way to the staircase and slowly walked down them and into the kitchen where he heard Andy. "Good morning Andy."

"Oh hey baby. Want something to eat?" Andy.

"Oh Andy no I just spent ten minutes throwing my guts up. I don't think I can eat anything right now." Ashley.

"Ok baby. Oh your eye appointment is at 1pm today baby." Andy.

"What time is it now?" Ashley.

"It's 11am now. Come on let's get you ready." Andy. He kissed Ashley passionately.

They got ready and went to Ashley's eye appointment.

"Ok Mr. Purdy let's look at those eyes. So I see here that your pregnant. How far along are you?" Dr. Flynn.

"Nearly two months." Ashley.

Dr. Flynn did a few tests looked at Ashley's eyes. "Well Ashley your eyes are slowly healing and I do see some scarring. So Ashley are you still seeing darkness?"

"Yes Dr. Flynn all I see is darkness. So what can be done?" Ashley.

"Well Ashley you might have to have surgery to remove the scar tissue. But you may not, you could just start seeing things. We will see as time goes by. Until then I'm going to give you this blind walking stick that will help you get around better." Dr. Flynn.

Ashley took it and Dr. Flynn taught Ashley how to use it. When he and Andy left Ashley used it to walk out to the car. When they got home Ashley practiced in the house as Andy was on the phone with John.


A. Hey John...

J. Hey Andy what's up?

A. Will we all finally got all the songs done and we are now ready to start recording in the studio.

J. Well that's great Andy. when would you like to start recording?

A. As soon as possible.

J. Sure Andy. Ok I'll call the studio and set up recording sessions as soon as possible.

A. Ok thanks John. Bye.

J. Bye I'll call when I have the details.


"So how'd it go with John?" Ashley.

"Great he's going to call when he's set everything up. Baby you'll have to bring your stick with you and I'll make sure someone will help you if you need to go to the bathroom." Andy.

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