Chapter 8

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So Andy and Ashley said goodbye for the day and headed home after finishing the album. When they got home they talked about telling the guys about the baby.

"Ashy I told John about us and the baby and you are going on tour with me. But We need to tell the guys about us and especially the baby." Andy.

"How did John take it? About us dating?" Ashley.

"Actually he said he saw that coming." Andy.

Ashley shook his head, "That John. So what about the baby how'd he take that?"

"He took it ok. The thing he had a problem with was you going on tour pregnant. He doesn't want to risk you going and something going wrong. It made me upset but trust me you're going."Andy.

"Well I can understand him being concerned... Oh Andy what did you do?" Ashley.

"I told him if you don't go I don't go. I put my foot down." Andy.

"Andy..." Ashley.

"What? You know I can't be away from my Ashy for six months. Can you say you can be away from your Andy for that long?" Andy.

"Of course not Andy. But Andy I'll be so close to my due date." Ashley.

"We can do this Ashy." Andy.

"Alright Andy." Ashley.

Then they called the guys and invited them over for dinner.

Finally dinner came around and everyone enjoyed their meal. "Ok guys Ashley and I have something to tell you." Andy.

They guys all sat down in the livingroom listening. "Ok."

Andy and Ashley was standing in front of them. "Well you all know that I moved Ashley in my home after his accident and been taking care of him. But there's more to what's going on." Andy.

"Yeah what?"Jake.

"Well Ashley and I have been dating since after his accident. He's my boyfriend and I'm his." Andy.

"Well that explains alot. Why you two were always wanting to be together." Jinxx.

"Yeah. But wait there's more. There's even bigger news we have to tell you. Anyway Ashley is three months pregnant and it's my baby." Andy.

"Pregnant? Three months? Ok confusing but if you guys say he's pregnant then he's pregnant." Jinxx.

"Yeah we have the Ultrasound pictures. Look I talked to John and I'm bringing Ashy with me on tour. I'm not leaving him hear alone especially with him pregnant." Andy.

"Andy I know I'm not the one to talk smart but we'll be gone for six months and you said Ashley is three months now. So that means he'll be real close to his due date. You don't think he'll have the baby on tour do you?" CC.

"Yes but I'm going to keep a close watch on him and the baby." Andy.

"We'll all help Andy." Jake. CC and Jinxx agreed.

"Thanks guys." Andy and Ashley.

"So is the baby moving yet?" CC.

"No CC not yet. I'm only 12weeks that won't happen until 16 to 20 weeks. But don't worry when it starts moving you can feel it. You all can feel it." Ashley smiling.

"Anyway Ashley and I had decided to tell you guys about us and the baby after we finished the album. Which now has been done. We hope you aren't upset with us and our relationship?" Andy.

"Andy you and Ashley are grown adults you can do whatever you want." Jinxx.

"Yeah we're alright with it. Question what about Juliet?" Jake.

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