Chapter 14

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Dr Simmons,  So Ashley and Andy you are having a healthy baby....


Andy,  "Yes!!!  I knew it.  You heard that Ash.  It's a girl.  I called it. "

Ash rolled his eyes,  "Yes Andy you called it.  Thank you Dr. Simmons. Come on daddy let's go."

They left the doctor's office stopped off at, Andy's parents to pick Rayne up.  Then told them about the baby being a girl.


Ashley is now five months along and they just finished up a concert and meet and greet. They we're all sitting on the bus talking.

Ashley went to the bathroom. After he finished he was about to walk out when he slipped and fell landing on his stomach hard. It took him several minutes to catch his breath. Then he yelled for Andy.  ANDY!!!  ANDY!!!

Andy was sitting up front when he heard ashley yell for him. He goes to the bathroom finds it locked.  "Baby the what is it?  The
Door is locked. "

Ashley made his way to the door while on the floor and unlocked it. "Andy!!! "

Andy opened the door,  "what is it baby?  Ashy why are you on the floor? "

"Andy I fell and landed on my stomach hard. It hurts.  Ow!!! "

"Baby it's going to be ok. Did you slip on this water? "

"Andy that's not from the bathroom. Oh God my water just broke. Andy I'm only five months.  Ow!!! "

Andy helps ash up goes up front,  "guys ashy slipped and fell on his stomach. His water broke and he's in pain. We have to get him to the hospital. "

CC "but ashley is only give months! "

Ash,  "No shit Sherlock!!!  Ow!!!  Andy!!! "

Andy,  " we've got to go now!!! "

They all got into the SUV and went to hospital.

Ashley had the baby because she was in distress and his water had broke.

She was very small and not fully developed. She was only five months along. She weighted 3pounds if that and was only 10 inches long. She couldn't breath in her own so they put her in an incubator. Ashley and Andy named her Summer Rebel Biersack.

Ashley was put in a room to rest while Andy went to the guys. "Hey guys Ashley had the baby. We named her Summer Rebel Biersack. "

Guys "Awe! "

CC, "hey now y'all have ur Summer Rayne haha! "

Andy, "good one C!  Anyway shes four month premature. They have her in an incubator to help her breath. She's only 3pounds and 10 inches long. She's so tiny. "

Jinxx,  "yeah but she's a fighter like her mom and dad. "

Andy, "thanks jinxx.!"

"No problem man. It's the truth. Before u know she'll be running circles around all of us. " jinxx.

They all visited for awhile then left. Andy stayed the night.

Next morning Andy and Ashley sent to see Summer.

"Well she will have some breathing problems. But well take good care of her mommy and daddy, " Dr. Simmons.

Summer had a hard road ahead. Her lungs weren't fully developed. But for a few minuted during the day Ashley and Andy we're allowed to hold her.

Chris and Amy came by on the third day with Rayne. He wanted to meet his little sister. The hospital didn't let Rayne hold her. But he touched her small hand. "Mommy is Summer going to be alright?  When can she come home? "

"Awe baby. Summer is very small and needs help breathing. So the hospital is helping her. She will come home soon. " Ashley.

"Ok mommy! " Rayne.

Summer had to stay in the hospital the whole four months.

Andy and the others cancelled all their gigs. Until such time.

Jon gave a, story that Ashley was very sick and Andy had Laryngitis so andy couldn't sing.  The fans bought it.

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