Chapter 2

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The band was jaming out and didn't see the Pyrotechnics go off right in front of Ashley.

Andy was singing Goodbye Agony when suddenly he heard screaming in his hear piece. It sounded like Ashley.

The crowd screamed, "ASHLEY HE'S HURT...."

Andy turned and saw Ashley screaming with his hands over his face and eyes falling back on the stage. Andy threw his microphone down screamed, "ASHLEY!!!" and ran to his side.

Jake and Jinxx quickly took off their guitars running over to him.

Andy grabbed Ashley's hands trying to pull his hands away yelling over the crowd. "Ashley what happened? Move your hands."

Ashley was jerking and screaming in pain. "IT WENT OFF IN MY FACE!!! IT WENT OFF IN MY FACE!!!"

"What happened?" Jake and Jinxx.

By now CC looked up and saw the commotion and ran over.

Andy finally pulled Ashley's hands away and saw soot all over Ashley's face and realized what happened. "Oh god. Shut it down. Shut it down."

Ashley's microphone was still on. "It hurts."

"Open your eyes Ashley." Andy.

Ashley opened his eyes. The whites of his eyes had blood in them.

"Oh god, Ashy." Andy.

"Get a bottle of water over here now." Jinxx.

Someone ran a bottle of water to him.

"Hold his arms down Andy. Jake help him. Ashley I'm pouring water into your eyes." Jinxx. Then he poured the water.

"Awww." Ashley.

"Ashley look at me." Jinxx.

"Ashy calm down." Andy.

"I can't see. I can't see. Andy I can't see." Ashley.

Andy was horrified by this then he heard the crowd yelling, "Ashley is blind." Then he realized that Ashley's mic was still on. He took it off.

"Andy he needs medical attention now." Jinxx.

The four of them helped Ashley up and each taking an arm and leg between the four of them and carried him off the stage. Ashley moaning in pain.

Someone ran and got John and by the time they got him to the dressing room John came in.

"What the hell happened?" John.

Jinxx told him everything.

Andy was sitting with Ashley who was gripping his hand tightly.

CC went and wet a washcloth with cold water and put it over Ashley's eyes.

"Thanks CC." Andy.

Ashley winced and with a trimbling voice, "T-t-thanks C-C."

"Welcome Ashley." CC.

"A-a-andy." Ashley.

"I'm here Ashy. I've got your hand." Andy.

"I-I-I c-c-can't s-s-see. M-m-my e-e-eyes h-h-hurt." Ashley.

"I know Ashy but I'm not leaving your side." Andy.

"Damn paramedics are taking their time." John.

Andy turned to look at everyone. He felt Ashley squeeze his hand and gasp in pain. "A-a-andy w-w-what a-a-about t-t-the c-c-concert t-t-the f-f-fans?"

"What? You're hurt Ashy."Andy. He felt the washcloth it was warm. "CC wet this please."

CC walked over and wet the washcloth and Andy put it back on Ashley's eyes.

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