Chapter 11

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Thursday morning came around and Ashley and Andy was dropping Rayne off at Andy's parents house.

They were told about the baby and were happy about it.

Ashley and Andy waited and was finally called in the back. Ashley watched as Dr. Simmons put the gel on his stomach and warm up the Ultrasound machine.

Dr. Simmons showed the baby and did measurements and found Ashley to be three and a half months along (14weeks). Dr. Simmons worked up Ashley's due date as being June 6th. The rest of the visit went as usual. They were told that in about two months they would be able to tell what they were having.

So now Ashley and Andy went back to Andy's parents house. They stayed for awhile talking.

"So Ashley what are you and Andy hoping for?" asked Amy.

"Well we are hoping for a little girl." said Ashley.

Amy smiled at his answer. She would love to have a little granddaughter from Andy too.

"Well it's getting late. So mom dad we have to head out. Don't want Rayne up to late. Love you guys. Bye." Andy.

"Bye mom dad." said Ashley.

"Bye bye mawmaw and pawpaw." said Rayne.

They left and when they got home Ashley put Rayne to bed. When Ashley went to the bedroom he heard the shower running. He smiled and took his clothes off and slipped in the shower.

"Andy hold me." said Ashley.

Andy turned around pulled Ashley into him and hugged him then kissed him. "Ashy I love you so much. Is Rayne asleep?"

"Yes. Why do you ask?" said Ashley.

"Want to have some fun?" said Andy.

"I'm always up for fun Andy." said Ashley.

Then Andy turned him around bent him over and slowly pushed into him. Andy was pushing and pulling out of Ashley in the shower enjoying making love to him.

Ashley stood up as Andy had his arms wrapped around him still pushing into him.

Andy was just releasing inside Ashley when they both heard a little voice.

"Mommy there's a monster in my room." said Rayne.

"Shit!" said Andy and he quickly finished cumming and pulled out.

Ashley got out wrapped a towel around himself and walked into the room. "Rayne what is it?"

"Mommy there's a monster in my room." said Rayne.

Andy walked out with his briefs and pjs on. "Aww did it come out of your closet?"

"No daddy it climbed through my window. His face looks funny." said Rayne.

Andy was surprised looked at Ashley. "Stay here and lock the door behind me."

"Andy no wait. What is it? Andy tell me?" asked Ashley.

Andy went to his closet grabbed a baseball bat. "Ash do what I say."

"Oh god. Andy please be careful." Ashley.

Andy kissed him shook his head. "Lock the door.Then he closed the door.

Ashley locked it and quickly put some clothes on and held Rayne.

Andy quietly walked to Rayne's room. No one was in there. But then he heard a noise downstairs. He went downstairs and saw the monster as Rayne put it.

It was a man in a mask robbing his house.

Andy went after him they started to make alot of noise breaking things.

"Get the fuck out of my house mother fucker. I'll bash your head in." yelled Andy.

"Shit. You're a tough fucker." said the robber.

Ashley could hear all the noise and was scared for Andy and Rayne. He pulled Rayne's head to his chest and covered his other ear.

"Mommy what's that noise?" asked Rayne.

"It's ok baby. Its ok." said Ashley but he was so scared.

Andy didn't see the guy grab the big Chef knife out of the knife set. As they were struggling he felt this deep sharp pain in his belly. He stumbled back and fell and that was when he saw the knife in his stomach.

The man quickly ran out of the house.

Andy laid there and the only thing he could think of was Ashley, his son Rayne and the baby.

Ashley realized it got quiet after a few minutes. He couldn't just stay there what if Andy was hurt. If he wasn't he'd be in the room by now. So Ashley put Rayne down on the bed. "Rayne stay on the bed. Don't get off of it. Mommy will be back."

"Yes mommy." said Rayne.

Then Ashley opened the door and went downstairs he saw the mess. Then he saw Andy laying on the floor. "ANDY!" He quickly ran to him seeing the knife in him.

Andy touched Ashley's face. "Rayne where's Rayne?"

"He's safe he's in our room. Oh god. I'm calling 911." said Ashley quickly grabbing the house phone.

"It was a robber. But he got away." Andy.

"Andy shhh it's ok." said Ashley.

911 CALL

O. 911 what's your emergency?

A. Yes my husband has been stabbed by a robber. Please help.

O. Where has he been stabbed and by what?

A. He's been stabbed in the stomach and by a Chef knife.

O. Do you know if the robber is still there?

A. No my husband said he ran out and away from the house.

O. Alright please stay on the line we have your address and we are sending an Ambulance.

A. Of course. we have a two year son.

O. Alright. Is he hurt?

A. No only my husband.

O. What is your husband's name and age?

A. Andrew Biersack he's 25. Please hurry.

"Ashy I don't want to die...I want to see our baby born..." said Andy scared.

"Andy why did you have to go downstairs?Why? I love you Andy." Ashley.

The ambulance finally came and Ashley quickly grabbed Rayne, his phone and house keys. Then they climbed into the ambulance.

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