Chapter 3

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The next morning Andy woke up to the tv being on. He looked over at Ashley who was sitting up.

Ashley turned towards Andy when he heard feet shuffling. "Andy is that you?"

"Yeah(yawning) what's with the tv?" Andy.

"Oh I couldn't take the silence anymore so the nurse turned the tv on for me. Plus your snoring was unbearable." Ashley smiling.

"Hey my snoring isn't that bad. Maybe CC should have stayed the night." Andy play pouting.

"Aww poor Andy." Ashley.

"So has Dr. Samms been by yet?" Andy.

"Not that I know of." Ashley.

Then Jake, Jinxx, CC and John came into the room.

"Hey Ashley you looking better today." CC.

"Hey CC yeah well Morphine knocks out the pain man." Ashley.

They were sitting around visiting when Dr. Samms came in at 10:30am. "Good morning Mr. Purdy."

"Good morning Dr. Samms." Ashley.

"Well let's take these bandages off and take a look." Dr. Samms. He took the bandages off looked at Ashley's eyes with a pin light.

"Well doc you going to take a look or what?" Ashley smirking.

Everyone looked disappointed.

"What? It got quiet in here." Ashley.

"Mr. Purdy I'm shining a bright pin light in your eyes." Dr. Samms.

"Oh...I see..." Ashley the smirk vanishing from his face. "Well you said I'd be released today?"

"Yes of course. Well I'm going to be releasing you with a prescription of Morphine in pill form for pain. Take it as needed. Also once you get home I advise you to go see your doctor and probably an eye specialist. I'll go get your paperwork done." Dr. Samms.

"Here you go Ashley I found them in your stuff." CC put a pair of Ashley's sunglasses in his hands.

"What is this?" Ashley feeling the thing in his hands.

"Oh CC brought you a pair of your sunglasses, Ashy." Andy.

"Oh thank you CC." Ashley smiling.

A nurse walked in. "Ok Mr. Purdy let's get your IV out." Then the nurse took it out. "Ok well Mr. Purdy if you like you can get dress. I'll help you."

Ashley grabbed Andy. "Andy.... Come to my ear."

"Yes Ashy?" Andy.

"Andy is the nurse hot?" Ashley.

Andy laughed shook his head. "She's in her sixties Ashy."

"Umm no thank you Andy can help me get dress." Ashley.

"Very well then. Everyone can step out except your boyfriend Andy here. Then you can leave." nurse.

"Umm he's not my..." Ashley.

"Yes Mr. Purdy?" nurse.

"Nevermind. Andy help me please." Ashley.

"Yes Ashy. I'm getting your clothes." Andy.

Then Andy help Ashley stand and turned him around and untied his gown. "Hey Andy do I make this gown look hot and sexy?" Ashley smirking.

Andy shook his head. "Maybe if you twirked in it."

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