Chapter 4

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The next day Ashley woke up his head laying on Andy's warm bare chest. He felt Andy's arms around his waist. Ashley couldn't help but to hug Andy tightly. Ashley heard him moan softly and speak.

"Agghh Ashy baby..." Andy.

Ashley heard and knew what Andy was dreaming. He wanted to hear more but had to take a leak. He softly shook Andy, "Andy. Andy please wake up I have to take a leak. Andy!"

Andy woke up. "Wha...Where? Oh Ashy! Yes what do you need?"

"I need to take a leak." Ashley.

Andy got up got Ashley out of bed then carried him to the bathroom and helped him. Then went back to the bunk and threw on some pj bottoms Andy helped Ashley with his pjs on. Then he carried him up from.

"Andy you can't keep carrying me everywhere on the bus. At some point I need to learn how to walk around on the bus." Ashley.

"I know but it's kind of fun carrying you Ashy. It's like when I use to carry Scout my girlfriend around. Besides your not that heavy. Actually you're lighter than Scout. But I'll deny it if you ever tell her." Andy.

"Oh Andy you're sweet. I'd like a coffee from StarBucks and maybe breakfast." Ashley.

"Sounds great I'll go get you one." Andy. Then he got up kissed Ashley's forehead and got dressed turned the tv a music channel and left.

Ashley giggled sat there. After thirty minutes Jinxx came up front.

"Good morning Ashley. Is there a reason why you are sitting there in just your pj bottoms?" Jinxx.

"Yes and it's a very good reason." Ashley.

"Ok what is it?" Jinxx.

"Oh yeah. Well Andy carried me up here and I said I'd like a coffee. Soooo he got dressed and went to StarBucks leaving me right here. Jinxx can you help me in the room and get some clothes?" Ashley.

"Sure come on." Jinxx. He took Ashley's hand and slowly walked him to the back. Then he got some clothes for Ashley. Black skinning jeans and a black t-shirt. Then Ashley choose his boots.

Ashley missed not having Andy carry him, but oh well.

After Jinxx helped Ashley get dress they went up front and while waiting Jinxx and the guys helped Ashley walk around the bus on his own.

Twenty minutes later Andy walked onto the bus with StarBucks coffee for everyone.

Ashley heard the bus door open and heard heavy boots stepping into the bus and Ashley smelled Andy's cologne. "Andy you're back. So what did you get me?"

"How did you know it was me? Only your favorite coffee. Hey your dressed." Andy.

"I smelled your cologne. Yes Jinxx helped me. Andy don't move I want to show you something." Ashley.

"Ok." Andy. He stood there waiting to see what Ashley was going to do.

Ashley stood up bent over felt the table and walked around it. Then stood there. "Ok Andy say something." Ashley.

"Ashy your coffee is getting cold." Andy.

Ashley moved to where he was facing him when he heard Andy talk. Ashley smiled then walked straight to Andy. He had his hands in front of him. Ashley stopped when he felt Andy.

"ASHY! You walked to me on your own. Jinxx take the coffees quick." Andy.

Jinxx took the coffees from Andy.

Then Andy wrapped his arms around Ashley's waist and lifted him laughing and yelling, "ASHY YOU DID IT. YOU WALKED TO ME ON YOUR OWN. I'M SO PROUD OF YOU."

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