Chapter 15

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Everyday Summer seem to get stronger. Rayne still wasn't allowed to hold his baby sister yet. He was upset about that. Everyday Rayne would bag and ask his mommy Ashley why he couldn't hold his baby sister summer. And Ashley would tell him every time that little summer isn't well she's inside that little thing to help her get better it's helping her breathe when summer can get out of that little box that she's in you will hold her I promise you Rayne. Rayne smiled you promise Mommy? Ashley shook his head and said yes I promise. Rayne smiled got excited and said okay Mommy I can wait.

So for the next 4 months summer spent it in the hospital in the baby incubator and her lungs we're getting stronger each and every day.

Finally the day came for summer Rebel Biersack was able to go home everyone was so excited they had a little party setup for when Ashley and Andy brought Little Summer. The party went well everyone was very happy to see summer have happy and healthy and strong but she was still very tiny she didn't grow much.

And I was worried that she'd be really small for her age unlike her brother who will probably be tall like his mommy and daddy. But sometimes that's The Facts of Life the child being born that prematurely don't necessarily grow up to be very tall but summer has her mommy and daddy you're both pretty tall and her brother who should be tall when he grows up.

Life started to go back to normal for the Biersack household Rayne helped out all the time with his baby sister summer. Rayne loved helping out with his little sister. Rayne was very attached to his little sister summer . And summer loved her brother everyone could see that.

The Biersack household was never broken into again although and eat steelhead the scar of when he was dead but he used makeup to cover it when he was on stage so the people couldn't see the scar on his stomach.

Ashley and Andy we're very happy together. Little ryane was very smart for his age. Little Summer dish start to grow some she was still very tiny and petite though and she followed her brother everywhere she was his shadow she adored her big brother and her big brother adored her he was very protective of his baby sister.

As for the guys they were all happy they all had someone to love no more ready for families yet although Rayne was a mistake but Andy and Ashley loved him very much and they love to Summer very much and they did very well as parents

Rayne grew up and went to college to become a graphic designer period

Summer grew up and started her own band they were called the black Pilots. And they had a fan following Ashley and Andy were very proud of their children.

Rayne was always there for his little sister summer no matter what if someone needed anything Rayne was there in a moment's notice to help out his. Rayne taller six foot three. Summer she only got as high as tall as five foot nine.

The guys did all eventually have children with their loved ones but that is another story.

Arthur note let me know if you want a sequel done at this time with the guys talk about their children. As for now this story is done hope you enjoyed it and liked it my little minions.

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