Chapter 6

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So we are finishing up the tour. There are only two stops left. The guys don't know about me and Ashley we are able to hide it. We go out after concerts to party and I bring Ashley with me but he is always glued to my hip when we are out. I love this man so much. So we've been sexually active now for two weeks. Ashley is acting differently I don't know why but he seems more moody lately. More emotional.


Ok what's up with Ashley? I'm gonna talk to him alone. I think his blindness is finally getting to him. He's moody lately and rubbing his belly alot for some reason.

"Hey we need food. Jake, Andy you with me." Jinxx.

"But...Ashy..." Andy.

"No buts Andy. Ashley will be fine CC will be here. Besides Ashley has gotten really good at coping around the bus on his on. Now come on." Jinxx.

"Ok." Andy whining. "Ashy I have to go with Jinxx and Jake to get food."

"Ok Andy see you in a bit." Ashley rubbing his belly absent-mindedly.

"You need anything or want anything?" Andy.

"Yes I want some Rocky Road Ice Cream please and pickles." Ashley.

"Ok Ashy." Andy.

Then they left.

After fifteen minutes CC sitting there he finally decided to talk to Ashley. "Ashley what's going on between you and Andy?"

"Nothing. He's just helping me. I think he still blames himself for my accident." Ashley.

"Oh. But it wasn't his fault. He needs to stop that." CC.

"Yeah." Ashley. 'Think god he believes that.'

"Ashley I've noticed that you've been acting differently this past week. You've been more moody and emotional. Also rubbing your belly alot. Is your blindness making you depressed?" CC.

"I don't know CC. I guess, my belly just feels funny. It's been upsetting me lately guess I've been stressed out. I'm alright Andy has been trying to keep me happy. I miss not being able to perform with all of you and hearing the band perform has been getting to me." Ashley.

"Oh Ashley I had no idea. That explains alot for why Andy has been spending so much time with you." CC.

"Yes..." Ashley.

"Ashley don't laugh at me but..." CC.

"What CC?" Ashley.

"Well I kind of thought that you and Andy were sleeping together." CC frowning.

"Hahaha! Oh CC what an imagination you have. Good one. Look I know that I haven't been with any women lately but that's because I'm not ready yet and the fact that I can't see. Andy is trying really hard to let me know that I can have my life back." Ashley.

"I'm sorry I thought that." CC.

"It's alright besides I got a good laugh from it." Ashley.

"Ok. Thanks." CC.

Then they sat there CC found SpongeBob Square Pants on tv and watched it while Ashley listened.

An hour later the others came back. "We're back. Hey CC help with the gorceries." Jinxx.

Ashley sat there on the couch while everyone put the food away.

Then Andy brought the ice cream and pickles to Ashley. "Here you go Ashy your ice cream and pickles. I've got a fork with the jar."

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