Chapter 12

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While Ashley and Rayne were waiting at the hospital Ashley quickly called the guys and woke them up and told them what happened.

Within forty minutes they were all at the hospital including John.

Jinxx called Chris and Amy because Ashley just couldn't do anymore.

Ashley just held onto Rayne for dear life.

When they had gotten to the hospital they took Andy straight into surgery.

Jinxx took it upon himself to try and keep Ashley calm. He knew it wasn't good for him or the baby. "Ashley you need to calm down. It's not good for you or the baby. You don't want to lose the baby Andy would be devastated."

Ashley was sobbing into Jinxx's chest.

CC was holding Rayne.

Ashley knew Jinxx was right and nodded into his chest and was starting to calm down.

Little Rayne got out of his Uncle CC's lap and went over to Ashley. "Mommy! Mommy don't cry. Mommy I want daddy."

"I know baby so do I. I love you Rayne." said Ashley holding Rayne.

The doctor walked in. "Family of Andrew Biersack?"

Ashley stood up gave Jinxx Rayne. "Here take him." Then went to the doctor. "Yes."

"I'm Dr. Rowe. Andrew lost a lot of blood but we were able to stop the bleeding and see to his wound. He's in recovery now. You can go see him but only two at a time." said Dr. Rowe.

Ashley smiled. "Thank you. Thank you so much." Then Ashley went back to the guys and told them everything. "Rayne you want to go see daddy. Come on."

"Yes mommy." said Rayne.

Ashley nd Rayne went and saw Andy. They stayed awhile then let the guys have a turn.

Later that day Andy woke up but only Ashley was in th room. The guys left with Rayne to get something to eat.

"A-Ashley?" said Andy.

"Andy you're awake. Babe you had me scared to death. Don't you ever do that to us again. (crying) said Ashley.

"Oh baby I'm sorry come here. I promise I'm not going anywhere." said Andy.

"I don't want to go on without you. Our babies need their daddy." said Ashley sobbing.

"Shh...Shhh...Shhh. I promise I'm not going anywhere Ashy. Ok. Stop crying." said Andy.

Ashley smiled and nodded then laid his head down on Andy's shoulder.

"Where's Rayne?" asked Andy.

"He and the guys went out to get something to eat. They'll be back." said Ashley.

"Hmm." said Andy. He turned the tv on and a few minutes later he heard soft snores coming from Ashley. He smiled then kissed Ashley's head.

Ten minutes later the guys and Rayne came in.

Andy gestured o a sleeping Ashley.

"Daddy!" said Rayne.

Andy kissed his forehead.

They all sat around quietly until Ashley woke up. Then they all talked about different things and when they will go on tour again.

Andy was released from the hospital three days later. Him and Ashley had an Alarm system installed in their house. They both made sure every night that everything was shut up tightly.

After Andy was fully healed the band was getting ready to go back on tour.

They were heading to Brazil this time around. Ashley was showing yet even though he was now close to four months.

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