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Juliet's P.O.V
Its my birthday today so I thought it would be fun to see my brothers today I haven't seen them since 1863. That's was when my father found out Katherine and I were vampires so he tried to kill us. Anyway I was walking to get something to "eat" somewhere in this stupid town called Mystic Falls. I went to this place called the Mystic Grille. I walked inside I see a girl with her two friends, but her friends look alike Emily Bennett and Katherine Pierce, so I walked over to them and sat by them, one of them looked over to me and stared like she knew me. "Are you new in town?" The Katherine look alike asked. "No I just moved back here." I said looking at them. "I'm Elena Gilbert, this is Caroline Forbes, and this is Bonnie Bennett." She said smiling. "Do you know anyone here?" Bonnie asked. "Yeah I think so I don't know if they moved or not." I said smiled sadly. "What's their names we probably know them?" Caroline asked. "Damon and Stefan Salvatore you know them?" I asked them, then I see them having confused faces." You know Damon and Stefan?" Elena asked. "Yes I'm their sister, Juliet Salvatore." I said worried. "I didn't know Stefan and Damon had a sister." Bonnie said looking at Elena then back at me. "Can you show me where they live but don't tell them I here ok.?" I asked smiling. "Why?" Caroline asked. "Because I'm surprising them." I said still smiling. "Because?" Caroline asked again. "Its my birthday today instead I'm surprised I'll surprise them duh." I said abit annoyed. "OK it'll be the best surprise ever." Elena squealed. All four of us went to Elena's car and drove where ever Damon and Stefan live this is going to be the best surprise ever

The Baddest SalvatoreМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя