What Happened?!?!

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I woke up in mine and Klaus's room, I see my dress ripped on the floor, I look over to my right to see an empty spot. I got up put on gray sweat pants and a green tank-top. I walked out side the door to see a couple of dead people. Then I walked down stairs to see Kol laying at the bottom of the stairs. "Wake up sleeping beauty." I said kicking him waking him up. "What the hell?!?" He asked looking pissed as ever. "Well you're in my way move!" I yelled. He got up and moved so I could get through. "You might look sexy but you sure are a bitch in the morning." He said walking uo the stairs. "I might not be a supernatural thing now doesn't mean I can't kick your ass." I yelled. He just put the middle finger out and walked away. I laughed to myself and walked to the kitchen, to see Rebekah and Elijah talking to each other. "Well  good morning." Rebekah said. "Morning." I said walking to her. "You look like crap." She said. "And feel like it." I said grabbing a mug to get some coffee. "You had a lot of fun last night didn't you?" Elijah asked. "I don't know what I did last night." I said sitting down. "You don't?" Rebekah asked surprised. "Not a single thing." I said taking a sip of my coffee. "Maybe you should ask Klaus." Elijah said smirking. "Go away." I said angrily. "Fine fine I'm gone." He said walking out of the kitchen. "I really don't like him." I said. "I HEARD THAT!" Elijah yelled. "I know you did." I said taking another drink of my coffee. "Klaus is at the grille." Rebekah said. "I'm gonna get dressed and I'll be ready to go." I said getting up and walked outside the kitchen door to see Kol at the bottom of the stairs smiling. "Hey sweetcheeks." He said. "What now?" I asked still walking upstairs. I walked into my room put on a skull shirt, black skinny jeans and black high heels. I grabbed my leather jacket and ran down the stairs to see Kol and Rebekah talking and laughing. "How do I look?" I asked. "The same." Rebekah said smiling. "Sexy." Kol said smirking. "Stop flirting with me." I said. "Where are you going?" Rebekah asked. "To go see my husband." I said grabbing my car keys and opening the door. "Where's that?" Kol asked. "The grille." I said. "I'm coming with." Bekah said. "Me too." Kol said grabbing his jacket. "Ok." I said walking to my car and they got in to. We got out of the car and walked into the grille, to see Klaus and Caroline talking and laughing. Then he looked my way and smiled, got up and walked over to us. "I didn't know you guys were coming." Klaus said kissing my cheek. "Why you even here it's like noon." I said. "Do you want to sit down?" He asked. "No I will stand." I said sarcastically. He lend me to where Caroline and him are sitting. "Hey Juliet." Caroline said fake smiling. I just sat down and ignored her. "Love don't be rude." Klaus whispered kissing my lips. "Tell her to stop being a slut." I whispered smiling at Caroline. I got up and walked by Rebekah. "Back so soon." She said. "If Klaus is going to be flirting why can't I." I said looking at Klaus and Caroline laughing together. "But who are you going to flirt with then?" She asked. I thought for a while, then Kol came in sight. "Kol." I said smirking. "Don't do that to him he is really in love with you." She said. "Well that sucks." I said walking over to Kol. "What do you need sexy?" Kol asked. "Nothing." I said taking his drink from him. "Why?" Kol asked confused. "You shouldn't be drinking in the morning." I said taking a drink from his. "Well I like the taste so if I can have the rest of it that would be awesome." He said smiling. "Are you mad at me?" I asked. "No I can't be mad at someone so sexy as you." Kol said kissing my cheek and taking his drink from my hand. "Why do you call that?" I asked. "Call you what?" He asked. "Sexy, beautiful etc." I said confused. "Because you are." He said looking me straight in the eyes. I could feel Klaus also stare at us. "Hes staring." I whispered to Kol. He looks over and looks back at me. "I don't care, you are supposed to be mine." He said grabbing my hand. "What are you doing?" I asked. "Do you want to go somewhere else?" He asked smirking. "Its not even dark." I said laughing making him laugh. "I love you Juliet." He said kissing me. I pulled away. "Kol I like you in all but Klaus is sitting right over there, and you will die now, and if I did love you I can't just leave Klaus." I said looking down. "I know you don't love him that much anymore because the way you looked when you saw him laughing with Caroline." He said making me look up. "Maybe we should go somewhere else." I said smiling. He took my hand and we walked out of the grille

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