The Ball

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Rebekah was helping me pick the right dress for my ball or wedding I don't know I have never had one for just me and Klaus. "How about this on?" Rebekah asked showing me a pink dress. "No, never pink is the devil's color." I said. "Ok then what about this one?" Rebekah asked showing me a black one. "Yes I love it." I said taking it and unzipped it. "I'm going go change into this I will be right back." I said smiling at the dress. "You go do that." She said smiling. I went into the bathroom and changed into the dress came out to see Rebekah and Kol fighting again, but they didn't hear me so I listened to see what they were fighting about. "Kol you know that Klaus will kill you if you every did that." Rebekah said. "I wouldn't care she is beautiful and I want to spend the rest of her years with me." Kol said. "Well she isn't she is in love with Niklaus." She said and I walked out and they looked at me. "How do I look?" I asked showing them my dress. "Beautiful." Rebekah said. "Your sexy." Kol said smirking. "Thanks I guess." I said turning around to the mirror to look at myself. "Now I just need make-up and my hair done and I will be perfect." I said looking at myself. "You don't need make-up to show your beauty." Kol said walking up to me looking at my reflection too. "Stop Kol." I said smiling. "Kol you should leave so I can do her makeup." Rebekah said. "Fine see you later sweetcheeks." Kol said. When Kol walked out. "Did he really just call me sweetcheeks?" I said laughing. "He is in love with you." Rebekah said. "I can tell." I said still laughing. "Well let's do your makeup." She said sitting down and I sat down too. She took out eyeshadow. "What color do you want?" She asked. "Black." I said. She took out a brush put it in the black and I closed my eyes and she started to apply it. "I watch a lot girls put on make-up during my vampire years." She said. "During my vampire years I ran from my brothers at one time." I said smiling. "Why would you do that?" She asked. "Well they hated me a bit because I was the one who killed my father." I said putting my smile away. "I was in a coffin the rest of my years." She said laughing making me laugh. "I was also in Augustine for a while too." I said. "Whats that?" She asked. "Scientists take vampires and wolves there and they pretend you're their slaves and show you off." I said sadly. "I'm sorry." She said. "Don't be I killed whoever tried to my blood away." I said smiling. "Ok all done with the eyes." She said and I opened them. Then she grabbed a red lipstick and put on my lips. "Done." She said happily. I looked into the small mirror she had and I was surprised at first. "Oh my god this is awesome." That's all I could get out by being so surprised. "Your turn." I said smiling. "Ok." She said. And I went to the closet with all the dresses. I looked around a while and I found beautiful green dress. "This one." I said showing her the dress. "I love it." She said grabbing it and running to the bathroom to try it on. Then the door opened to see Elijah. "What do you want?" I asked annoyed. "To see you." He said. "You can't be trusted." I said. "You right." He said sitting next to me. "Please just leave me alone." I said standing up. "But you said you loved me." He said standing up too. "You also said you loved me but I don't anymore so go away." I said. He leaned towards me. "I can tell that you still love me." He said leaning closer. "I don't." I said backing away. "How do I-" Rebekah started but then stop to see Elijah. "What are you doing here Elijah?" She asked. "Just here check on you two that's all." He said. "Really that's not how you told me." I said smirking. "I'm just going to go." He said. "Different story." Rebekah said laughing. I started to laugh and we high-fived. After a couple of hours me and Rebekah were done with our make-up and hair. When it was time for the ball I was so scared then Ester walked through the door. "You look lovely Juliet." She said smiling. "I would look way better if you didn't change to a human." I said annoyed. "Don't give that kind of tone and its your day." She said taking my hand. "You need to know that Klaus is with you for love not because you were a hybrid and witch." She said smiling. "Lets go to the ball." She said. And we both walked out of the room down the stairs then I saw Klaus talking to Kol. "Here is the new Juliet Mikaelson." She yelled getting all of the Mikealson's attention. The most who were staring were Kol,Elijah, and Klaus, but I also got some from Finn. I walked down the stairs to Klaus. "You look really beautiful love." He said kissing my knuckles making me blush. "Thanks Klaus." I said still blushing. Then after of couple mintues there were giest then there was a lot of them. Rebekah told me that they invited my brothers and I really wanted to see them even thought Damon tried to kill me but I tried to kill both of them so it's fair. I looked and looked but no Damon  or Stefan then I saw Caroline, I really hated that girl. Then she saw me and walked up to me. "Isn't this amazing?!" She asked. "Of course it is." I said laughing. "Why?" She asked confused. "I planned it." I said laughing. "You did?" She asked only more confused. "Its my wedding ball before my real wedding." I said. "How are you getting married too then?" "Niklaus Mikaelson." I said smiling. "Really, I did not know that." She said confused. "Do you know where Stefan is?" I asked. "Yeah he's over there." She said pointing to Stefan and Damon. "Thanks." I said walking away. When I was walking towards him someone grabbed my arm, I looked to Kol.  "You haven't talked to me yet." He said smirking. "Well I talk to you everyday so you can bare not to talk to me right now." I said walking away. I got to Stefan. "Well hello Mr.Salvatore." I said smiling he turned around smiling. "Well hello Mrs.Mikaelson you look I lovely this evening." He said making me smile. "How do you like so far?" I asked. "I can't believe you're getting married." He said putting his arm around my shoulders. "I can't either." I said. "Care to dance Juliet?" He asked. "Thats a wonderful idea." I said walking on the dance floor and we start to slow dancing. "Why are marrying him?" He asked. "Because I'm in love with him." I said looking at Klaus who was talking to Caroline. "What die that bitch want?" I asked angrily. "Don't say that or you will sound like Damon." He said. "I don't care if she wants to mess with me she will lose." I said stop to dance and walked over to Klaus. "Hi love." He said smiling. "Hi Klaus." I said kissing his cheek. Then Caroline walked away. "What she want?" I asked holding Klaus's hand. "We were talking about something that's all." He said kissing my cheek. "Why did you invite her?" I asked angrily. "Because I want Sheriff Forbes to like us." He said smiling. "You could have just invited her you know." I said annoyed. "Wait! Are you jealous?" He asked smirking. "No its called annoyed." I said walking away. "You're so jealous." He yelled. "You are too when I'm with Kol." I yelled back smirking. This was going be a fun night.

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