We will always love you but mostly me, Damon

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Damon's P.O.V
I can't believe what just happened right now, my lovely sister Juliet came back then we fought and she just said she hated me the most and sped off, I could feel tears going down my face, I turned around to Stefan looking at me. "I hate myself." I whispered but I knew Stefan could here me because of his super hearing. "Don't hate yourself she just pissed off she'll come back around she always does." Stefan said out loud so everyone could here. "If she thinks Katherine is a good person then I can't trust her."Elena said making things worst. "SHUT THE HELL UP ELENA!!" I yelled making her jump and look scared. "Damon stop she didn't do anything wrong!" Stefan yelled back to me, I got so angry I sped out of Elena's house to go find Juliet and make things right.

I got to the woods because Juliet loves the woods so I look every where then I feel a hand on my shoulder I turn around to see Stefan, "I'm sorry brother." I said. "Its not your fault Damon let's find our little sis and get home to have a family time OK." Stefan said smiling, that made me smile when he said family time we hadn't had one of those in for so long Now its time to find my sister.

Juliet's P.O.V
I can't believe those people I tried to be friends with them without making them my dinner. I sped to the woods to the opening me, Stefan and  Damon had to get away from our father and his people but he called them his "friends." I got to the opening to see flowers all around the opening. I looked around then I went eye to eye with my Damon and Stefan. I sped to them to give them a group hug just siblings no one else. "We're sorry Juliet, we know how much you were friends with Katherine." Stefan said looking at his feet then back me. "Yeah we are really sorry we love you Juliet and you are the youngest." Damon said smriking at me and Stefan. "So can we go home now?" I asked. "Yes we can." Damon said. "But just know we will always love you but I will always love you more." Damon said giving me his infamous smirk. "I'll race you." I said. "You are so on." Stefan and Damon said at the same time.

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