I was walking in the grave yard on to my house well kind of. Then I get pulled behind a tree then I see Elijah. "What the hell!" I said then he put his hand over my mouth. After a while he removed his hand. "Why did you do that?" I asked. "Someone was following you." Elijah said. "Well I can handle my own problems thank you." I said and went under his arm and started to walk again. Elijah grabbed my wrist and turned me around and kissed me. I pulled away. "Why did you do that." I asked. "I love you Juliet." Elijah said. "Leave me alone." I said getting my wrist our of his grip. "Why don't you love me?!" Elijah asked. "Because I do and I love someone else to." I said then putting my hand over my mouth. "Is that other person Klaus?" Elijah asked. "Maybe." I said. "If you love me why don't you kiss me back?" Elijah asked. "I don't beg I make people beg." I said smirking. "I don't beg either." Elijah said. "You're just like your big brother." I said and started to walk away. "Don't leave." Elijah said. "You going to beg?" I asked turning around. "Um yes?" Elijah said confused. I walk up to him. "Beg one more time." I demanded. "Please don't go." Elijah said. I leaned forward. "One more time." I said smiling. "Please." Elijah said. Then I kissed him and he kissed back I pulled away with him smiling and eyes closed. "Dork." I said sped away. And Elijah pulled me close to him. "Why am I like him?" Elijah asked. "He said he didn't beg but he begged for the life of Elena Gilbert." I said kissing him on the cheek. "Bye Eli." I said backing away. "Bye Juliet." Elijah said smiling then I sped away for good.

The Baddest Salvatore
VampireI'm Juliet Salvatore, I'm 16 years old. I'm a hybrid with witch powers. My big brothers Damon and Stefan didn't know because no one knew I was dead. My bff is Katherine Pierce, but the only things I dont like about her is that she things she is the...