I need Elena

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I can't see Elijah because what I did yesterday to him I couldn't bare to see him like that. All I remember that he kissed me and told me he loved me but all I do best is push people away and I can't love so I just stayed in my room for half is the day, until Stefan came in. "Sis we need to talk right now." Stefan said looking angry. "Not now you asshole." I said still laying on my bed. "Yes we do." Stefan said walking in the room and closing the door behind him. "About what Stefan?" I asked sitting up. "You need to respect Elena." Stefan said. "Um what about never." I said laying back down. "Um yes you do or you leave." Stefan said that made me sit up. "Why would you make me leave?" I said sadly. "Because you don't respect Elena." Stefan said. "But I'm the sister I'm family she's just a girl you're dating." I said wanting to kill him. "Well I love her Juliet." Stefan said I felt a tear go down my face. "Yeah more than me." I said then I snapped his neck I closed my eyes and I felt all my feelings go all away I just turned my humanity off. I got up and grab my jacket and head downstairs after I lock my door on the outside. I go into the living room and see Damon and Elena talking. "Well hello people." I said fake smiling. "Hi Juilet." Elena said also fake smiling. "I know that smile is fake." I said smiling for real. "I know yours fake to." Elena said. "Oh its not." I said smirking. I walk into the kitchen grabbed my phone out of my pocket and dial Klaus's number. "Well hello beautiful Juliet." Klaue said. "Hey I was wondering if you need someone." I said smirking. "Yes I do why?" Klaus asked. "I have Elena Gilbert at my house so I was wondering if you needed her." I said. "Bring her." Klaus demanded. "Wow wow hold up you have to do something for me." I said smirking. "What is it love." Klaus said, I could feel him smirking. "A witch said I was hybrid but I never turned to a wolf before you have to help me turn into a wolf." I said smiling. "Done love now being her." Klaus said. "You got it Romeo." I said hanging up them I turned around to see Damon and Elena. "You're not taking her." Damon said. "Oh yeah and whose going to stop me." I said smirking. "Me and Stefan." Damon said. "Sorry Stefan is having a play date with someone or thing right now." I said smirking. Damon sped towards me but I flew him to wall. I sped towards Elena and grabbed her arm and sped out of the house.

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