I got Klaus's, I checked if anyone had followed me, then I knocked on the door, the door opened to see Klaus when he got glance of me that I had been crying. "What happened?" Klaus asked worried. "I hate your brother and my brothers." I said. "Come in." Klaus said opening the door all the way. "This is why I need Katherine." I said walking over to Katherine and hugging her. "Its OK sis." Katherine said hugging me tighter. "That's why you were protecting her because she is your best friend." Klaus said when we got out of the hug. "Where's Elena?" I asked. "She's in there so no one could see or hear her." Klaus said pointing to a room and with the door closed and probably locked. "OK keep her there." I said looking at the door then at Klaus. "When is this going happen?" I asked. "I have the girl, and a witch all I need is a wolf and vampire also you so it could be complete." Klaus said smiling. "Wait why me ?" I asked. "Because if I don't have you we will die so you have to drink the doppgänger's blood also,do you want to kill the wolf or vampire." Klaus said. "Wolf." I said. "Tomorrow is school and I have to go." I said. "No after what happened today you aren't going out of my site." Klaus said going into the kitchen. "Whatever and that's when we first met." I said smirking. "I know well kind of." Klaus said. "Do you want something to drink?" Klaus asked and yelled from the kitchen. "And Katherine?" I asked then I feel Katherine touch my hand I look over to see her smiling. Don't I word and she moves her hand. "Sure whatever." Klaus yelled from the kitchen. "OK what you have?" I asked sitting on a chair. "Blood, bourdon, whiskey, and vacka." Klaus says. "Blood with bourdon." I said looking at Katherine. "Katherina what would you have?" Klaus yells from the kitchen. "Just blood." Katherine says and looks away. I knew she likes me more then a friend but she never tried to hold my hand. Then Klaus comes in with two drinks one for Katherine and one for me and then he goes back to the kitchen. I take my phone out and text Katherine, and passed my phone to her
Me- Why did you do that?
Katherine- I like you, you know that
Me- I know but why now once I get you out of here we will still be friends ok?
Katherine- Yeah whatever
Then katherine handed me my phone and I putted it away when Klaus came back. "Why are we so quiet?" Klaus asked sitting right by me. "No reason." I said looking at Klaus. "You know you can stay here." Klaus said. "This isn't your house its Alaric's." I said smirking. "Its mine until I leave." Klaus said. "You're leaving?" I asked surprised. "Yeah but I'm taking you with me." Klaus said kissing my cheek. "Well I don't know about that." I said scooting closer to Katherine. "Are you staying or not?" Klaus asked smiling. "Sure." I said. I walked into the guest room. "Wow this is small." I said laughing making Katherine laugh. "You know I don't care of you like me." I said getting serious. "I know you don't but I can't help it." Katherine said sitting on my bed, I lock the door and Katherine didn't hear the click because she was doing something else. "Katherine you can sleep in here if you don't like it out there." I said being a good friend. "Oh its fine really." Katherine said then she walked up to me. "You know I always like your green eyes." Katherine said looking in my eyes. "And your black hair." She said pushing a strand of hair behind my ear. "OK Katherine you're creeping me out." I said laughing. Then Katherine leaned in and I could feel her lips on me she kissed softly and then she pushed me on the bed. "Katherine really now?" I said smiling. "Yes I heard you lock the door." Katherine said getting on top of me and started kissing me roughly. I turned around her over and got on top of her. "Sorry Katie but I'm not a lesbian." I said putting her hands away from my neck. "Doesn't mean your not a bisexual girl like I am." Katherine said getting her hands out of my grip and grabbing my waste. "I want this." Katherine said kissing me hardly. Then I started to kiss her neck making her moan. "Shush Katherine, he'll hear us." I said. "OK OK." Katherine said. Then she ripped my shirt off showing my red lacey bra. "I love this one." Katherine said kissing me again. Then she pushed me over on my back then she started to kiss my neck I started to moan quietly. Then she went down, before she got there I pulled her up. "I'm sorry." I said. "For what being shy I'm fine." Katherine said smiling. "No this." I said then I snapped her neck. I walked over to the door and unlocked it and Klaus came in and dragged her out and tied her to a chair. "Your welcome." I said standing by the door way. "Thank you and you are still in your bra." Klaus said. "Well if no one can see us why don't you finished what Katherine started." I said smirking walking into the guest room. "I'm coming bad girl." Klaus said following me. He grabbed my waste and started kissing roughly as so did I. He grabbed my leg telling me to jump, my legs wrapped around his waste and we were still kissing then we layed down on the bed. "I love you Juliet." Klaus said and stopped kissing me and stared at me. "I love you." I said smiling. "Good." Klaus said smirking and started to kiss me. "And one more thing I need you to tell me your answer." Klaus said stopped kissing me again. "What is it?" I asked annoyed. "Will you marry me?" Klaus asked. Then I started to kiss him again and I never said anything more that night.

The Baddest Salvatore
VampireI'm Juliet Salvatore, I'm 16 years old. I'm a hybrid with witch powers. My big brothers Damon and Stefan didn't know because no one knew I was dead. My bff is Katherine Pierce, but the only things I dont like about her is that she things she is the...