Where's Elena!

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I was walking in the woods then I feel a stinging pain in my shoulder, I look over my shoulder I see an arrow in it, I pulled it out, I turn around to see a boy with a crossbow and Alaric with a crossbow to with Caroline and Bonnie behind them and Damon and Stefan in front of all of them. "Well well well, I didn't know you guys could find me so fast." I said smirking. "Where's she?" Stefan asked. "Where's who?" I asked back smirking. "You know who." Damon said. "No I don't brother." I said backing away. "Don't even try it." Someone said behind me. I turn around to see Elijah. "I can't believe you." I said closing my eyes. "You are the only person who knows where he lives." Stefan said. I open my eyes and turn around to see Stefan in front of me. "Yeah so I ain't telling you." I said looking at him. "I'll get you to turn your humanity back on." Stefan said. "Isn't off Steffie." I said smirking. "Um yes it is." Caroline said. "No even tell Elijah to compelle me to say if I'm lieing because I ain't." I said smiling. "Or we could compelle you tell us where Elena is." Jeremy said, I could smell he was a human, I sped behind him and kept my hands on his neck ready to snap his neck. "Leave him alone!" Bonnie screamed. I used my powers to throw her into Alaric. Then I started to pop Caroline's blood veins in her brain. "Its up to you three." I said still holding Jeremy. "Let him go." Elijah said. "OK." I said snapping his neck and he fell to the ground. "And my humanity isn't off." I said smirking. I started to pop Stefan's veins in his brain. "I trusted all three of you but you all loved someone else better then me." I said I could feel tears going down my face. "Don't cry." Damon said I could he had been crying. "You were crying over Elena?" I asked madly. "No I-" "Yes you were." I said cutting him off. And then I snapped Stefan's, Caroline's, and Damon's neck. "I thought you loved me Elijah." I said. "I never want to see you again Elijah as long as I live." I said speeding away.

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