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Juliet's P.O.V
I got out of the car to see a huge house with a big lawn. "This is where Damon and Stefan live?" I asked looking at them. "Yep."Caroline said popping the p. "OK so I'm guessing you know what Damon and Stefan are." I said looking at them again. "Vampires, then yes we do." Elena said looking at me. "OK so let's do this thing, so you guys are going to knocked on the door to be invited in with me hiding behind you because I haven't been invited yet." I said looking at all three of them. "How will you know it will work?" Bonnie asked. "I have done it before." I said. "Well anyway after that happens if you see anything is wrong with Stefan or Damon it depends who answers the door, ask him what's wrong and when he says my name I will surprise him and let's hope its Stefan who opens the door or the plan is ruined." I said looking at the house smiling. "OK so let's do this." Caroline said walking up to the door to knock. "I get behind them and get down waiting for someone to open the door. Then all of a sudden the door opens to see Stefan with a light blue shirt on with jeans. "Hey Stefan we saw you have been acting weird for the last few days can we come in and talk about it." Elena said sweetly. "Come in." Stefan said leading the girls and I inside. They sat on the couch and Stefan was the first one talking. "Well its that I.... have a sister that died when we thought Katherine was put in that cave, and its her birthday today and thats why I have been sad these last few days but Damon is taking it harder because he was the closest to her even though she was my twin sister." Stefan said making the girls look at me. "Her name was Juliet Salvatore." He said I could feel him smile. "Then I lost her because of my dad and Katherine but mostly Katherine." Stefan said sadly. " You can't get lose me even if you want me too." I said. Stefan got up and turned around then sped over to me and hugged me. I could hear him crying into my shoulder. "I thought you were dead." He said looking into my eyes. "But you also thought Katherine was dead." I said smiling he brought me to the couch." How did you get in you haven't be invited in?" Stefan asked. Then all of us girls started laughing. "SURPRISE!!" yelled All girls to Stefan. "They said they knew you and Damon so they helped me with my surprise." I said hugging Stefan. "Speaking of Damon where is Damon?" I asked. "It's your birthday so he probably drinking away his problems."  Said Stefan. "Well where's that?" I asked. "My house drinking with his friend Alaric." Elena said looking at her phone. "Well let's go there's one more surprise party." I said getting up. "I'll grabbed my jacket." Stefan said. "Also do you want to ride with me or those girls?" Stefan asked. "You and you guys should go now so he doesn't get any weird." I said looking at the girls. "OK see you guys later." Elena said walking out the door with Bonnie and Caroline following." I can't believe you guys live here." I said walking outside with Stefan. "It belongs to us." Stefan said while we got in the car. "Really I didn't know that so I get to live here too." I asked looking at Stefan. "You're staying?" Stefan asked starting the car. "Why not." I said smiling. "Now let's go see our big brother twin." Stefan said smirking "Let's." I said

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